Friday, September 30, 2005

Little excursion to the Art Gallery
Do you know how amazing it is, just to walk in a room, filled with paintings that were produced over 100 years ago? It is truly an amazing feeling. I had the pleasure in going with my Pop to the Art Gallery of WA yesterday. He had a free ticket, so who else to take along with him but me! He knows I'm really eager about my art, I think hes really chuffed about it. Cos hes an artist himself, does a lot of landscape oil paintings. I think he likes the thought of handing his artistic talents down the line lol. Nan, Pop, Mum and Dad first thought that Ryan would be a good artist, you know, maybe become an art teacher or do something with his art. Ryan went and had private art lessons every Saturday and everything. But he didn't pursue this talent. Shame really, he was pretty good! I guess you could say that he is still doing something artistic, you know, in becoming a carpenter. Anyways, so only just a few years ago Mum picked up that I could draw. Gee, took her long enough to find out that I could! lol. So yeah, my Pops pretty happy that he can talk to someone about art. I've gone over to his house to paint a few times and hes lent my heaps of his art books. hehe I love my Pop.
So yeah! We went to the Art Gallery and saw the 'St Petersburg 1900' exhibition. Oh, theres was some GREAT stuff in there, I tell ya! Multi-million dollar paintings... landscapes, portraits, theatre productions sketches, costume designs, old opera costumes dating back 100 yrs ago... and the list goes on. My Pop really likes realistic paintings, portraits and landscapes. There was one painting there, that I will post a picture of, that looked like a photograph! No joke! Its called 'Winter'by I Shishkin... Truly awesome. Stood infront of it for ages. lol... My pops funny tho... if its not realistic, it was crud. hahaha... "What about this painting Pop? I love it... I like the colours hes used to portray his feelings... Expressionism I think it is!" I would say. Then Pop would reply with "Nup! Its crud." Hehe good ol' Pop. I couldn't get him to appreciate it... only the realistic paintings were what he was interested in. "But Pop! Its cubism! Cubism Pop! Look at it!" and... "Nup. Its people slapping some paint and calling it art and then selling it off for millions of dollars." Awe... hes cute sometimes. I love my Pop.
Afterward, we got some coffee and cakes at the coffee shop next door. I stuffed myself silly, trying to finish the small cheescake (I didn't end up finishing it, which left me seriously disgruntled). We then trooped off to 'Part Two' of the exhibition, with me moaning and clutching my belly in pain hehehe... I loved looking at the art, but my Pop was trying to hurry me up, so we could miss the peak our traffic... *grumble grumble* You can't rush art darn it! But I made him wait, hehehe... Before we left I just HAD to go into the giftshop. I saw a handbag for $500 and just walked on by.. SO expensive in there. Then I came across some little broaches with those little women things... you know, the egg things where you open it, and a smaller one comes out, open that one and a smaller comes and and so on... Yeah, they were dangling off it, and I just HAD to have one! So Pop bought Diana and I one... Even though Diana wasn't there, but anyway! We left after that, and I went home to get changed, grab my stuff and then drive to Armadale to study End lit with Bronwyne from church. I had an awesome time there. I really recomend anyone whose interested in art, to go there. Hey Shnoobs, you might enjoy going. Only $15 entry!
So thats my little advertisement of the Art Gallery... Just can't get enough of that art, I tell ya! Gotta go and stufy now. Had an exam today... In THE HOLIDAYS! Grrrr... Oh well. hahaha afterward I went straight to carousel for some retail therapy! And to find Matt a prezzie... hehehe. Cos its Matt's birthday on Sunday! yay! Happy Birthday Matt! Luv ya!
Neways, have a good one ya'll! I'll post soon...

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Whats bin happnin
Isn't it wierd how one day it can be totally sunny, warm and nice and then the next day is cloudy, wet and grey? I was thinking that just then as I sat on the floor boards in my sunroom, near the open door with Maggie, my loveable tame magpie, curled up in my hand and cuddling into my neck. I sat and stroked his smooth feathers on his back, as he lovingly nibbled my fingers and then my bottom lip. Little comforting squeeks could be heard every once in a while... Maggie had never learned to call like the wild magpies... instead he wolf whistles or gargles. When you open the door he gives a few squeeks and his at your side, standing on your foot or playing with your shoelaces as if they were juicy worms. Hes so sweet. But if he doesn't know you, he becomes all proctective and teritorial. He fluffs up to make himself look bigger, and gives a rather loud call... which uncannily sounds like me when I gargle after brushing my teeth in the morning... So cute.
*sigh* Would any one like to do my human bio exam? Anyone? Please? *grumble grumble* oh well... I guess I'll have to do it! But studying is so boring! I can say Amen to that sister... lol, yesterday I did NO homework... Cos we had a ping pong (table tenis) competition at Cityview Church yesterday! It was heaps fun... hehehe I won the sketching competition... Fiona was announcing the winners of the drawing and colouring-in competition. I was standing amongst the kids as she gave out the prizes.. It was so funny... I think theres a pic of me getting my award. haha. I had fun... I lost both of the table tenis matches that I was in. Oh well, I had fun drawing ppl but. You should have seen the one of Isobel! It was a pretty good portrait.. Shes taken it back with her to Melbourne, as she was only visiting Joy for two weeks and came along yesterday to join in with the fun! Pretty much all the youth were there... We had a good time. They all went to the movies and subway afterward. I went home of course... to study (haha... I just ended up doing art homework instead! If your ever bored... do art instead!).
Oh and Frequency had its last meeting for the term last Saturday night. We all drove down to Armadale and played beach volleyball. We all had a great time... I had a full car, giggling girls in the back seat (haha Rosa and her sister fighting and squabbling... Muna sitting there quietly, sumtimes breaking it up) and Rima and I in the front. We all went to Macca's afterward, to go and tease Michael as he was on his first managing shift. hehehe... thanks for the 4 shots of crunchie in my icecream... lol. We all went back to my place afterwards and mucked around... I then dropped Rima and Muna off at 12 and came back home later... and then read on my bed for awhile as the guys played x box in Ryan's room.
Hehehe... I've got photos of all of this. I SO hope that 'hello' is working so I can post em. lol.. I swear Robert... that photos fine! hehe well, I'll let you be the judge of that one. hahaha that reminds me! Robert's car totally conked out last night as he drove away! I had been lying on Diana's bed and playing with my phone, while she nodded off into the land of sleep... when I suddenly heard the hurried banging of feet on pavement and the indistictable laugh of my brother. I parted the curtains and looked out of the window, and saw no one... A few minutes later though, Robert's car came into view with the emergency lights flashing, and Paul, Ryan, Jason and Justin pushing it as Robert steered his car in. I must say that it was a funny sight! I ran out of the house and asked what the trouble was, then I came back in to fetch dad... We were all out there for awhile trying to see what the trouble was. I went back inside after day gave me his "permission" to leave. Mum then told me in the morning, after sleeping for 11 hours, that Robert had his car towed away. All I can say is that its a good thing that your on your tafe break hey!
Anyways, I'll leave you now. Gotta get stuff done. Cya!

Tuesday, September 20, 2005
Hey!!! Guess what day it is! Its....
Yay... that means I've kept this for a whooooole year. Woh, thats a long time... but then again, its not. I wonder when I'll ever get over having a blog. You know, getting rid of it, not posting, caput. But shhhh... lets not talk about it. We're spose to be celebrating! Neways... today I had school. As usual... *sigh* ha, was late to my breakfast meeting this morn, that I have with my principal every 2nd week... so I kinda raced to school. I slept thru my alarm! I was so tired. Anyway, Matt tells me that I passed him on the way! lol... I didn't c him but. Ahwell, next time!
Mmmmm... I'm pretty much tired all the time now hey. I slept through, and I mean, I literally slept through one of those talks that the university ppl give, encouraging us to apply at their uni. It was really boring... so... but I SOOO can't remember falling asleep hey! It just happened... doh! Sum of my friends luffed at me at the end.... It twas very funny. I dunno how I got home... I was so tired. Its a miracle that I didn't fall asleep at the wheel! Mind you, I do wake up a bit when I start the car... because I know I have to. I make my body stay away. Cos, of course, it could be very dangerous.
Ahem... I just had to let that out... Awe... my blogs a year old! How cute. Sooo many pics... its wierd looking at the archives, reading about my struggles, the funny things I've done, what I have been upto in previous months... yeah... Its bin good havin a blog! Gives ya sumthin to do! Okies... I better be off! I have a test to study for *cringe*
Happy Birthday blog!!!

Monday, September 12, 2005
Why do I always ramble on?
Today is Monday... Who hates Monday's? I personally like Tuesday's, as I have TEE Art in the morning, Art & Design the next period, then Religious education (which we really do NOTHING in... just sit around and watch movies really...) then I have a study period, where I go into the art room and create for the rest of the day! Pretty neat huh? Anyways... where was I? Oh yes, Monday... So that means it was Sunday yesterday! Oh goody. I lurv Sunday's - because of church and being with my humungous family! Church is so good... Its my fuel tank. I go along and get filled up for the week :) A funny way of putting it but yeh.
Oh hey! Cityview Church's website has been up dated... It still needs some work cos its not finished yet, but its MUCH better now! Here it is - - Go check it out.
Hehehe... you know what s funny? That suitcase Joy found for me last Friday, I took it to school today. But I had to WALK to school with it (Ryan was using my car to get to work cos his is getting fixed). So I walked to the station, caught the train at Cannington, then walked to school, lugging it with me. hahaha I must have looked so wierd and retro with it. You don't really see that often, I student carrying a huge, old suitcase. That thing must be around 30 to 40 yrs old.... Its been to London and back hey, says so on the stickers which are on it... So wicked.. I LOVE it hey. Oh, can't wait to paint it, get my hands on it... and CREATE! Mmmmmmmm... *Alyce cocks her head to the side and looks out of the window dreamily*
Neways! This week shall be a good week.... music nite on Wed, where all da bands and stuff are performing for the parents from school. I'm performing in the swing band again so that'll be good. But the bad news is that I won't be at church on Sunday! Tear! I've got a study period at school from 9 till 11 or 12? So that sucks... but I really need to go. I'm kinda, uh, failing human bio. Passing brilliantly on everything else tho! Just that dang subject.... grrrrr I hate it! Neways... So yeh. Don't miss me too much! lol.
Okies... gonna leave you's with the few pics I took at church yesterday... before the battery ran out... Have a good one!

Hehe... the boys were playin hacky sack and Rima, Muna and I were sitting pleasantly and peacefuly, talking amongst ourselves. Then we spotted the boys huddling together, talking and looking in our direction. My ears pricked up instantly... I was scared... What were they gonna do????? Then ever so slowly, they crept further and further towards us... we were behing the sound desk, so Luke (ThankYOU Luke!!!!) told em to nick off... Haha! You diiiiidn't get us! *Alyce says in a sing-song voice* Then they went in the other room... I went through to see what they were doing... I went to beat em up, cos ya know, I'm so strong and I can take on ANY OF THEM! Yeah, you heard me! A.K came and I went to kick him, but he grabbed my leg... then Paul came up and chucked the hacky sac at my stomach! Ganging up, no fair! So I then wacked Paul across the head and ran.... hehehe.... Don't ever underestimate the all powerful Alyce!!!

Saturday, September 10, 2005
Old suitcase found!
If you've allready read my shoutbox, you'll know that Joy found me a suitcase! I had visited about half a dozen op shops in search of an old suitcase... but only came out of the shops with clothes or belts... Theres some pretty good stuff in them shops, I tell ya. Neways... I told Joy that I was searching for one and so she went around and looked into all the op shops she knew. And she found one yesterday! Yay!!!!! I was so happy... hehe, your all prolly thinking, what the heck does she want with an old suitcase? Well, its my next art project... I'm going for an immigrant theme. You know, the early english settlers back in the 1700 and 1800's. And I'm going to be painting on the inside of the suitcase. Yup, the inside. The suitcase is hard, not fabric, which will make it easier to paint in! Yeah... hehe I like being creative. So now I'm sitting here... Frequency will be startin in a coupla' hours. I won't be there... once again... Had work from 8.30 till 5.15... so tired. Its nice hopping in your car and driving off after you get outa there... Your free! Last night was the 'Girls nite out' for Cityview Church! It was awesome... I took Saranna, Rima and Muna and we enjoyed ourselves chatting with all da ladies at Nero's in Gozzies. And man, I had the BEST dessert EVER! I am SO going back there, JUST for that DESSERT! I am so PASSIONATE about EATING that DESSERT! YUUUUUUUUMMYYYYYY!!!!!! Gotta have it... hehehe, the waiter came with it held high, and all the other ladies watched him come and they were all exclaiming "Whose is that!!?" "That looks delicious!!!" "Ooooooooh... Who ordered that dessert?" I then took pride in saying that I did... and gobbled it up right infront of them, hehehe. I shared some with Diana though, cos she was whining about how I never share my food with her. And i was getting full so... Neways, mum just came in said "Work Alyce, work!" Meaning, do your homework... *sigh* Seeya all later hey... Have a good week!

Thursday, September 08, 2005
Another day of blogging!