Thursday, September 08, 2005
'Allo loovey! Just dropin in to say hi! Had a pretty good day I reckon. I wrote 4 and a hald pages for my art history test while everyone else wrote 2... hehehe. I went looking for an olden day suitcase at some op shops (I've found one, bought it and paid $5... but I'm still lookin round to see if I like nething better...) and ended up buying a nice cardigen instead! Yay... Still lookin for that suitcase but... If you guys see ne olden day suitcases, with hard covers... like the real hard cardboardy kind of ones... Tell me ok! I really really need one for art... I've got an awesome idea for it.
oh neways... I gotta go... I am in pure relaxation at the moment... Joy is standing behind me and give my neck and head a massage.... ooooooooooooh soooooo goooood! I'm gonna fall asleep! So I gotta go... Have a good one you guys. Seeya soon!

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