Hehe... the boys were playin hacky sack and Rima, Muna and I were sitting pleasantly and peacefuly, talking amongst ourselves. Then we spotted the boys huddling together, talking and looking in our direction. My ears pricked up instantly... I was scared... What were they gonna do????? Then ever so slowly, they crept further and further towards us... we were behing the sound desk, so Luke (ThankYOU Luke!!!!) told em to nick off... Haha! You diiiiidn't get us! *Alyce says in a sing-song voice* Then they went in the other room... I went through to see what they were doing... I went to beat em up, cos ya know, I'm so strong and I can take on ANY OF THEM! Yeah, you heard me! A.K came and I went to kick him, but he grabbed my leg... then Paul came up and chucked the hacky sac at my stomach! Ganging up, no fair! So I then wacked Paul across the head and ran.... hehehe.... Don't ever underestimate the all powerful Alyce!!!
Monday, September 12, 2005

oh my goodness....i remember your viciousness... you were very vicious... you hurt!! *runs away crying*
hahaha! Yessss... I've got a vicious streak in me.. mwahahaha! lol.. Did I ever hurt you Shnoobly? Did you ever get in the way of my swinging hand or foot?
hahaha, your not viscous alyce. your like a little kitten.
awwww, lets look at the cute, little kitten :D
Ha! That was dripping with sarcasm... I can be a kitten when I want to be. But thats nearly never! Oh, well, maybe when i met someone new, or when I'm representing the school at an important event... hehe but when i'm around freinds... yes. Lets just say that I can act um well I let myself go... haha sumtimes I don't think before I say things!
did i ever!!! ALL THE TIME!!! mate... i'm scarred for life!! *thinks back...* *flinches as she remembers the pain* hahah...
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