[Mind Blank] |
1 Day till I fly away!
1 Day to go... wow. I can't believe its really happening. I'm going to the Eastern States folks. That means... no posts for awhile! (Not that I post all the time anyways...). I need to post more I know, but I don't have a camera of my own, its my dads so... I need to save up for a camera, eh? I'm gonna start saving up anyways, for reasons I stated below in my previous post. But yeah, I'll miss yas. I will! I mean, I'm gonna miss church and youth and home fellowship on Wed nights, music practice and hangin out with mates... But I know I'll have fun over there. We've worked out what we wanna do. Go on a cruise, go to all the theme parks, go see some broadway in Melbourne (oh so cool!), go to art galleries, visit some big churches, SHOP SHOP SHOP... ummm... eat heaps of good food and SHOP. Have I allready said SHOP? Oh well, here it is again - SHOP! I'm so ready for a holiday aye. I worked all last week and this week... Only day off was Sunday, which wasn't really like a day off cos I had to wake up early anyway. Been doing 7am till 5pm shifts. Yes I was doing stocktake. Any staff member who works in a big store cringes at the sound of that word. I know I do. Its not nice getting up at 5:30am. Yucky... And working in the cold backdock... and the BSR (target factory in Balcatta). So stressful! ANWAYS! No more whinging... I'm going to have an awesome time anyways... A good holiday to look forward to! Luv you guys! Don't have too much fun without me! I'll be home soon... And trust me, my wardrobe will be bulging...

 hehe... Me thinkin I'm cool. Wearing Ginny's glasses from Korea. They're, um, very pink! See all of yas later! 

I think I'm ageist... Thats what they used to say when i was in school.
I'm on holidays now... as in, uni holidays. I can't believe a whole semesters all ready over! It went by so fast... But thats life isn't it? I hate it how time just goes so fast. It was like only yesterday that I was 10 and going to Southside CC where my Pop used to preach. Or when I was 12 and starting up the youth band at Southern River... Or when I was 16 and singing at Cityview for the first time, its first Sunday meeting. Now I'm 18, attending uni, about to go to the Eastern States without my parents, driving wherever I want to go, making a lot of my own choices and decisions. Sometimes I get scared. Or sad... both mixed together. Just how I'm feeling right now! Those feelings might have been encouraged by the movie I just watched though... The Notebook. Such a good movie aye... Gotta love the romances. But its just startling to see how their life went by so quickly. They were a young couple once... but are now old and wrinkly. You know what else? I've been thinking about buying a house! Not that I will... Not for a long long time! Its just that I'm starting to think of the future... You know, where I wanna end up, how I'm gonna make a living, and how I'm going to leave my mark on this world. But man, have you seen the prices of houses and land lately?? I really love the Cannington and Vic Park area, but their creeping up in prices way too quickly! Kenwick or Beckingham sound fairly good to me... Not too expensive you know? I think after these holidays I wanna start saving. Not for anything in particular... Just because I know I can save now, I've proven it... after saving up quite a bit for my holiday. Come on guys, it isn't just me thinking this way... huh? I'm sure it isn't just my parents that say "You gotta grow up Alyce!" or "Alyce, grow up! Make your own decisions." So yes, growing up. I don't wanna. Really, seriously, I don't! I want to be this age for quite awhile. My parents are really supportive and i've got good friends, an all right job and a great uni life... Why would I wanna change it? Don't you hate it when things change? What if they change for the worse? Thats why I want it to stay the same. But of course I'm going to grow up so... maybe I should quit whining about it. One things for sure, I want to pick my game up. I do want to become more independent as well. Grow up to be a good strong woman in Christ. By George, I need to. But also, I'm still young! I should lap it all up while I still can! Of course, whoever knows me, knows that I will and am. Heehee... I know how to have fun. Why be shy? I hope this post doesn't sound like babbling nonsense. Probably does! Oh well... its late. And I haven't posted in awhile. I guess this one makes up for it. Ciao fellas...

 ok... this is a pic that I drew ages and ages and ages and AGES ago... I just thought I'd post a pic to keep you occupied for awhile. Yes, you have seen this image before. But this one is new and improved... Its actually pretty huge. I should take a pic of the whole thing. It was drawn in white, gry and black pastels. Such a lond process... Was worth it though. I will be doing heaps and heaps more painting and drawing next semester. A much bigger work load! 

WOOOOOOOOOH! GO INVERLOCH!!!!! Shes okay, shes okay! If you really wanna know what I'm gasp-bagging about, click onto this web comic www.seraph-inn.com - its a totally awesome middle earth story!! Oh its so cool... Thank you Travis for getting me into it! You really should start from the beginning and read your way through the archives. Oooooooh so good. The author is an Aussie and her comic is known throughout the world! I sooooo want a copy of her first comic book on seraph-inn!!!!

Just what I've been doing...
Wot have I been up to? I've been doing MANY things. Very very busy. But I love it. The weekend was also very eventful... where should I start? Should I even bother? I really can't be bothered now aye... as it'll take me a VERY long time to write it down. Hmmmmm... maybe I'll write it down in point form, or in short sentences. ok... Um here goes... Watched Sound of music with Travis and Diana on Friday night (heehee... so funny. Travis likes it! He ran into the room when we told him we were watching it), Sat I had work all day and then Frequency at night. Yay! Was Mad Science night... had heaps of wierd experiments. You'll see sum pics. Went to my house afterwards and we all chilled. Sunday was church in the morning, hand out with everyone during the day and then music practise at night. After eating Subway for dinner we all went back to my place to think about what to do next... Talked for awhile and then all jumped into cars and drove down to Freo where we breathed in the salty crisp air and mucked around. After hanging out at the beach and searching for a toilet, we all hopped back into the cars and drove to Fast Eddies in Carousel. It was 1:00am by then... We walked in, started eating when a wannabe black-American rapper threw a chip on our table. I looked at him in disgust. He stared back... thats when Daniel looked at him. The guy got up and started picking a fight with Daniel... I won't tell you what he said exactly, cos it wasn't very nice. Well it flippin ruined our dinner so we left pretty quickly after the guys friends settled him down. We got a discount though, cos of all the trouble he made. But I mean, it still didn't make up for it aye. We all went back to my place, sat around for awhile and then left. Monday was a public holiday! Yay! I slept in until 12:pm.... SHOCKING I know. No one woke me up! I was annoyed that I'd missed half a day. Anways, all the guys were outside installing speakers and amps and subs into three cars. I hung out with em all day, ate fish and chips with em at dinner and watched the incredibles at night. Was a pretty good day, I just enjoyed chillin out, listening to music and chattin. So that was my weekend. Thats just an over-view... I gots a few pics. I'll post em. Neways... got dinner soon and also got Home Fellowship on tonight. Can't wait. Seeya!

 Standing around before we did the dried ice experiement. So cool... "That was TOTALLY WICKED!" - The Incredibles 
 it got even more smokier than that! With all that dried ice in all those buckets... That was really cool aye 
 heehee... hi guys! 
 Look at that! It was awesome!!! It totally covered the whole room. And when you actually lyed down in it it would totally consume your body and you wouldn't be able to see you anymore. AND it was cold in the smoky stuff... Well duh, its dried ice! 
 Stop playing with the smoke! After awhile it got hard to breathe... I think that was an indication that we should get out and get oxygen into our lungs... lol 
 Travis pouring the dye into milk... and then you put detergent in and wallah! Pretty colours... its so trippy aye. 
 pretty colours! 
 Oooooh thats trippy man 
 chillin in Ryan's room 
 Paul, Trav and Robert in Freo 
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