[Mind Blank] |
Sitting on the Curb Eating Limp Salad.
I packed my lunch. But my lettuce went limp and the cucumber smelt by the time I went to eat it. I left the green stuff and picked out the meat, chilli and olives. I wasn't really hungry anyway. I ate on the curb next to my car, after I put my parking permit sticker on my car. It was real hot aye. My parking permit cost $34 for a semester. I had to ask a lady for 5cents cos obviously I was short. And I got my student card. And now I can't be stuffed telling you about the rest of my day. All I can say is that it was all right, it was hot and I had hardly anything to eat. There ya go. My first day of uni. I got theory tmrw to look forward to. Yay.
To pack the lunch, or not to pack the lunch.
I start uni tomorrow. 9 till 5. That seems like a really long day. I really don't want to go. I want my holiday extended another week or 2. Oh but every good thing must come to an end. I wonder how I'll cope. Should I pack my lunch? I guess its cheaper.

A Leaking Tap
Colds. I hate them. They just make you so sad! You mope around the house, with sore joints, sore throat and a snotty nose thats like a dripping tap! And I have one right now. Oh joy. I WAS spose to go to the beach tonight, but instead I'll go to my Nanna's and Pop's. They'll show me some sympathy. I wanted to go to Nan's and Pop's anyway, so when I was on the phone organizing tonight I knew I'd rather be with them than at the beach. I love them so much. I'm so blessed to have awesome grandparents! I mean, their always there for me and their good Christian people. Their the best. Uni starts next week. So I washed my car this morning... I gotta have a good appearance! First impressions count ya know. I went through the drive through wash after taking Diana to school. I can't be stuffed washing it on my own. lol... So lazy! Hey, that's what holidays do to ya! Actually, I've been doing a fair bit of house cleaning lately. Not over the top cleaning, just vacuuming and stuff. Mum and Dad says that I need to earn my keep. I guess it beats forking out money. haha, this post is everywhere! I'm just talking about a whole load of stuff that's been buzzing round my head. Oh! Heres another one... The Year 12 Perspectives art exhibition is opening on the 4th of March! Till the 14th of May. Its in the Art Gallery of Western Australia. So cool eh? I think it is... I mean, how many artists do you know that have had art accepted and exhibited at the WA Art Gallery? So if you go, look out for my painting!

Left unsaid
I think blogs are dangerous. Personally, I really do think that. You can write something down here, and people will read it in a totally different context to what you intended. It can also hurt people, as many have before. I do constantly get offended by peoples blogs, I also am disappointed by many as well. Isn't it amazing how just a few words can really affect ones thoughts? Sometimes words that I read off the net, in the newspapers and magazines, can stay in my head, burrow deep down into my brain and niggle at me. I'll remember them all day, disturbed by their power to change my emotions. I know I'm also speaking to myself by posting this, because I have been caught out before. I had written a nasty note when I was 11, about this girl that I didn't see anymore. Well, it just happened to get into her hands, which wasn't where I wanted the note to be. I had gotten into BIG trouble, because the girl called my parents and my mum burst into tears when she heard what I wrote in it. From then on, I have never, EVER written anything like that on paper again, because it has the power to hurt people and change lives. What I'm saying is, sometimes its good if things are left unsaid. Sometimes we don't want to know what people get up to in their free time, we don't want to know what is said in conversations between friends, and we don't want to know what some peoples thoughts are on truly delicate topics (i.e. church issues. I am always offended when people write things about the church and God, because I always feel that its directed at me, a Christian). I'm not saying you can't write about this stuff, I'm just typing down a little warning, something that I follow myself. Just sometimes when people post things, they hurt. Some people are affected more than many. Just because you can't see our faces and feelings when we read stuff, doesn't mean that our whole minds aren't filled with confusion and hurt emotions.

Wed in white?
"Alyce has been out of school since October. Can't you see that she REALLY needs to go back? I've put up with her for over 4 months!" Heehee... Those were my mother's exact words when she was talking to Luke, after I irritated her by asking heaps of questions. I somewhat agree, theres nothing for me to do round ere! Well, I could still go out with mates, but I feel guilt sometimes when I go out all the time and don't end up helping mum out with the chores around the house. I've just come back from music practice, sitting here with a sore throat... Aren't they aggravating? You try to sing, and aweful sounds come out. Not nice. oH yeah! I went to uni yesterday for Orientation Day! I think I was like, one of the only normal ones there. There were quiet a few mohawks, dreadies, weird looking ppl, etc... "Well what do you expect? Your doing an art course." That's everyones reply after I tell them that. Hopefully I'll get to know ppl better. It's awesome though... I mean, its NOTHING like school. You get to do what you want! Theres so much to do there... Its non stop entertainment, walking around seeing the latest fashions, hearing music, creating some really COOL stuff... My course requires me to do glass blowing, sculptures, electronic art, painting... and heaps more. Awesome aye? I can't wait! I'm gonna have so much fun there aye. Well, the past few days have been eventful. Went to a baby shower, had a hair cut (which I was certainly displeased with) had a water fight at youth, had church, music practice, orientation day, Tues night music practice, etc. haha, last night I also tried mums wedding dress on. So hilarious! Just the fashion they had in those days... It was really special trying it on though aye. I took a few pics. Neways, I'm gonna say cheerio now. Its late... Well not really but hey... I guess I'll just walk around the house aimlessly, maybe read a book or magazine. or cradle my stinging hand. The sandwich presser's lid fell onto my hand and burnt it. That really stung aye... Ciao for now!

 The normal me... This was taken before I went to the baby shower... and after I got my fringe cut. I hated it! I mean I abolutely HATED my fringe. She jolly feathered my fringe! ARRRG! She cut it exactly how I liked it, took one look at it and said "Its too thick" And then proceeded to feather it! I didn't ASK for it to be feathered... STUPID lady. They just assume that its the right choise. *sigh* atleast hair grows back. Oh well. Whats done is done, theres nothing you can do about it. 
 The bridal me! I don't think I'll be wearing one of these for many years to come! Even then I don't think I'll be weaing white. Its too traditional. I want to wear something different, still a wedding dress, but just different colour. I dunno, i"ll prolly end up wearing white. I'm just thinking right now with my young mind, always trying to think outside the box! 
 heehee... Look at all those frilly bits! So funny... but so cute. Mum looked really sweet in it in her wedding photos though.. She was so GORGEOUS. She still is. I love my mummy. 
A Scary Day!!!
Can you believe it? I've got Orientation Day for uni tmrw... How nerve racking! Theres gonna be a lot of strange ppl there. Atleast I'm not going alone! Matt's coming with me. I think hes only going so he can just boast and say how much better Curtin is. All I'll say is that it suits me best, with all my interests. So I think I should get an early sleep tonight. Wanna be all bright and fresh for the morning! Hope we don't get lost, hope I make friends, hope I don't make a dill outa myself...

Can I think of a title? No....
I'm home alone right now... Diana's gone on a camp, where she will be rehearsing her school play. Mum hasn't come back from taking her. Maybe shes gone to do something else. I'm considering cleaning up my room. Actually I think I will. It needs a clean. Not desperately, but it should. I mean, theres only a few clothes lying around on the floor, that's it. My body is slowly turning from red to brown. I look forward to my tanned skin... Cos I'm kinda sick and tired of brushing my tummy accidentally at work and feeling pain. Arrrg... But I did reapply! Honest! Last night I was fed really well. I went over to Phillip's for dinner. His family is really nice aye... Their so funny! Afterwards we watched some anime. I can never watch that stuff on my own (except Sailor Moon), but I really like watching it with him cos its funny to see him laugh at stuff that I can't pick up on... Cos I'm always reading the subtitles. Hes so got SO MANY anime dvds and episodes, its not funny! I'm really into Sailor Moon, so we watched some of that the other week... We watched a bit of 'Twins' and some other stuff. Tonight I have to baby-sit. I didn't know until last night... thanks for reminding me mum! I have to watch, dum dum dum... James. Hopefully he'll be good, because someimes he can get outa control. If hes good I'll take himn to MacDonalds, and let him rip through the play equipment *Alyce smiles evily as she imagines watching Michael's and Robert's horrified faces as they step over discarded pieces of play equipment in their ruined playground at Maccas* Mwahahaha... Ahem, anyways... I thinkg I've done enough babbling. I'm feeling pretty good at the moment.Thank you God! I feel like a weight has come off my chest... LIke, I don't have to go through life, battling it on my own. You don't either. Remember that. Over and out!

 Me and Jessie at the beach... I think that was taken before I got terribly burnt. Oh well. heeheehee... 
 It was a bit crowded there aye... It was filled with couples... *hears retching sounds in the background* Because it was Valentines Day. I was swimming, and there were guys swooming over chicks, kissing, laughing, giggling, cuddling, EVERYWHERE! I was like "Swim away!". I was disGUSTED. 
 Look! Its a cute little Kangaroo with its Joey! I quickly took a pic at Jessie's place after I dropped her off. It was really cool seeing that. Jessie lives up in the hills, so kangas are pretty commen at her house. 
 The beach! It looked better in teh morning... It started getting cloudy an hour before we left. It was still beautiful though! 

Crystel blue, lobsters and moisturiser.
I went to Scarborough yesterday. I came back looking like a flippin lobster. This has got to be the worst sun burn that I have ever had in my life. I love the feel of the soothing moisturizer as I spread it across my bare belly. Oooooh... What a relief it is to the discomfort! But I gotta tell ya, that water was beautiful. It was a clear, crystal blue... The sky was totally clear as well... It was 38 degrees, perfect for a swim in the ocean. Jessie and I went together to the beach. I'll post pics of it later. We had an awesome time aye. I've been catching up with a few school friends. I enjoy listening to them talk about their new paths in life. Its sad but quite exciting in ways. Anyways... Heres some pics to keep you entertained. I'm sorry... But I really don't have any time nowadays. I mean, after work tmrw I have to quickly get changed and then skidaddle out to Phillip's. We'll eat dinner then go out, somewhere... I dunno. I just enjoy going out frequently... I'm livin it up! I'm also working HEAPS... The moneys good :-) I'm still saving for the Eastern States trip. Ciao!
Oh man, I just checked the pics I've just posted and there all badly ordered! I did them all in order but then computer jumbled them all up! I can't be stuffed trying to fix the order! You guys'll figure it out... Have a good one.

 Youth group last Saturday night. 
 This game was to see who could get the most toe jam... You know, the stuff that gets in between your toes... Disgusting game! i nearly puked aye... And I got jam all over me aye! I was sticky all night... Shaun didn't help it one bit! 
 Fiona won this game. You had to be blind folded and handed a cup of liquid... You then had to taste and decide what you were drinking. Its pretty good... I mean, you laugh at what kind of answers ppl say. That can't be any more wrong! 
 That just looks wrong aye... And then we had to lick our feet as well... *shuddes* Atleast I didn't suck my big toe like Shaun did! Gross!!! 
 Mmmmmm toe jam... Not! I won that game... haha. 
 ppl watchin the game 
 The crowd watching as people beat the hell out of the pinyata. 
 Diana only got one right too, I think... 
 I think he only got like, one right. 
 Hmmmm I wonder what it tastes like... Some people said wierd things like diet coke tasted like lime coke... so wierd!! 
 The poor fishy is dying! 
 I think this game is where you have to get the water from the front of the line in the bucket to the back of the line in the other bucket... You get me? I know, I could have worded it better, but I can't be stuffed... I'm tired! And I wanna read my book... 
 Robert takes a swing out of teh pinyata that Ryan prepared for youth. Its the first time that I"ve ever hit a pinyata! For real aye! It was so much fun! 
 Playin one of the games... Ginny passes the *ahem* spunge to Phil! How wierd is it to say spunge instead of ball? 
 Ryan explaining the game. 
 Muna on teh other team. 
 The Church last Sunday... The church is growing. Its so exciting to see aye. 
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