Tuesday, April 26, 2005

The game that Pastor David was explaining didn't work out, so I stepped in and played a game where if someone winks at you, you die and yeh... afta that this dude (Sorry! Forgot his name) came in and explained how to do another game... the one where you all write out a name of an actor and then you have to guess who chose what actors name...

Monday, April 25, 2005

Heeeeeey! I've got HEAPS of pics from the past weekend... Went to the Asian Fellowship on Fri nite (when I really should have been doing hw... oh well!) then the car rally on Sat and then in the city on Sunday... This first pic is at the Asian get together ... not just for asians but. It was SO much fun!

Friday, April 22, 2005
Ok... I have a confession to make... I have an obsession with taking pictures of my food. Yep thats right. Theres food there from Christmas, my ball, at Karri Valley Resort, from picnics, from munchies when sittin round the pool, breakfast, dinner... you name it! *sigh* I'm glad I let that out... lol!

Tuesday, April 19, 2005
Off I go! Along the brick road...
Tonight my Pop is picking me up and taking me over to his place, so I can sleep over! Yay! I haven't slept over in AGES and I miss my Nan and Pop a lot, so I called up and asked if I could. I'm also gonna take my art homework with me, and my large oil painting, cos I can work on them there with my Pop who paints himself. I won't be home until Thurs... cos I go work during the day... oh well. But it should be good! I just said all that so ya'll would know... if u wanted to go out somewheres with me at that time...
Arrrrg... I'm being distracted! Mums talking on the phone right next to me while I'm trying to write a post... her words are filling my head and I can't think over her voice... Go AWAY! Oooooh... now its quite cos the persons talking and shes going 'Mmmhmmm.... yes... yep... '
The family phone just rang then... and it was Nanna! Who wanted to know if i got thru to Pop... and now I'm eating a 'K-time Moffin Bar'... Mmmmmmm... Muffin bars...
Neways!!!!! This is an EXTREMELY boring post... so I shall leave you to look at my pictures from the weekend...
Tata my loves!
*What is that I hear???? Oh it is! Its bacon being cooked in the frying pan! I must go and seek the person who is doing this act... and take the bacon from underneath their noses... MwaHAHAHA...*