Tuesday, April 26, 2005
Which means "hello" in Korean... except I don't know how to write it in their language. Neways! As you've noticed, I went to the Asian Home Fellowship... Its different, but fun... I enjoyed listening to everyone and spending time with them. They love being around westerner's cos we help them with their english and yeh... Their such lovely people! I tell ya! So that was on Friday night...
And then on the Saturday I worked from 8:30 till 12. After work I met up with Fi and Matt, we went and had a coffee at Gloria Jeans and then went back to my house, where I only had about 10 minutes to get ready. After I pulled my jeans, a singlet and my sneakers on, I scrambled into Joy's car and drove to church, which was the meeting point for the CAR RALLY! Yay!! I was going with Joy in her car, and Paul came in our car too. We were given the clues and when they blew the whistle we were allowed to go. But we waited a bit and read through the questions and answered a few. After that we went to Macca's, a hairdressers, got pics of a beetle, a wind mill, and then parked in Perth by the Concert Hall and ran all the way up to Hay street and William Street, which is on the other side of Perth!!! I tell ya, I sweated SO much... Runnin all that way. I secretly thanked my lucky stars that I put sneakers on instead of my thongs, which i was gonna do. Anyway, we ran EVERYWHERE and got HEAPS of pics... a bottle brush, cat bus, busker, hotel, Aussie flag, Hjay's, His Majesty's Theatre, fire station, basketball... all sorts... then we had to run ALL the way back to the car... we then went to a cemetry and I got a pic of Joy lying on someones grave! Then to UWA and then we went to Kings Park which was the meeting point. We got back at 3:36... only 6 mins late... we all started at 1:30... so we made it in good timing... We ended up getting 20 questions right (I think it shoulda bin 21 but... That was a bit unfair i reckon) and we came SECOND! Cos the people who came first got 20 questions right too, but were a few mins earlier than us. NOT FAIR! But ohwell, atleast we get a chocolate bar for a prize... Mmmmmmm chocolate! I don't have pictures of the Car Rally though, cos Mum'n Dad needed the camera.... boohoo... I had to use a camera fone instead... oh well, atleast I got pics of the picnic afterwards...
Neways... On Sunday, I had church and then a bunch of us went to Perth! We lloked around in a few stores and then had lunch. Aftawards the the guys and gals split up... us gals went to Lincraft to buy beads and the guys went to JB high fi (I think thats what its called??) . After spending alotta muny on beads and stuffs, we met up with the guys and then decided to head back to my place... we got back and then watched sum movies while us girls made earings and bracelets and necklaces... I made a WICKED AS necklace... I love it SOOOO much. Took me 5 and a half hours to make... Made it all in one nite! We got back to my house at 5:45 and then most of my friends left by 12:15am... hehehe. Mum and Dad didn't mind, cos it was a public holiday the next day! I had such an awesome time...
Neways... now its Tuesday and I'm supposedly doing my homework!!! lol... neways, I'll catch ya'll later aye? Anyong he ke sayo!

I prolly didn't do half of my homework during the weekend cos you were there! And neway, why should neone control me? I don't want to be held down... I'm my own person.
you could always try a whip and chair. seems to work with lions. but i guess alyce is more viscous then that. :D
No, I wasn't saying that I didn't want you there, its just that you said I was a 'bad girl' for not doing my homework... its kinda hear to concentrate on hw when ppl r around.
don't u think u two r acting alittle silly. u love each other so minor sacrifices can be made on both parts in order to spend time with each other. relationships require work, so start working you two.
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