[Mind Blank] |
Hey! Long time no post. I'm not gonna blame it on anything tho... Even tho I'm a busy gal doing many many things. I've been painting quite a lot and doing loads of photography work. I go out and snap a lot. Non digital camera with black and white prints. Love it. You gotta do photography if your at uni. Opens up a whole new world in the arts perspective. It's pretty expensive dong photography. And takes a lot of time! You have to make the negative, do tests, prints and develope them. See what I mean?
I pretty much just update my myspace now. Yes, I have a myspace. Baa... YAnd yes, I feel like a sheep. lol. Oh well, it gives me something to do as I procrascinate... Cos you know, who wants to write essays?
I've posted some pics for you all to see of some of my recent artwork and photography. The black and white photos aren't my best, the good ones have been handed in for marking. Anyways, have a good one!

I know I had a bit of camera shake in Ryan and Kimberly's photo. But hey, it was one of my first pics. The other photo's contain a painting of my Dad when he was my age, shaving. Mum took that pic :-) And also a painting of Joy on our holiday last year. The picture is not a very good one of the painting. There's too much light reflecting off the oil painting.

Lot's on my Plate
You know what? For awhile there I wasn't able to load photos onto my blog! That's the excuse for my long absence. And probably because life is so busy and hetic nowadays. Church life, uni, work, friends, family... I've also been asked to sing at quite a few events recently too... And they've all been on Saturday's, so my job at Target is kinda suffering a bit. They need me more than ever now as well. Our head supervisor went back to live in Tasmania cos her Dad died, so she's left us. Now their counting on all of the supervisors to work together.
Anyways, just got a few pics to show you's. One's of three paintings I've done. The painting at the bottom isn't yet finished, and since that photo I've done a few more paintings. I should get those photo's up soon. So yeah, that's all I gotta say for now. I only came on here so I could chose I photo to do my self portrait on. The lecturer's got the whole class doing self portraits. I don't like self portraits, I'd rather paint everyone else :-D And also pics from the toy sale at Target. They encouraged us to get dressed up in costumes so I came as Wonder Woman. lol... So hilarious.

Skate, Paint and Party!
Hey! I'm still on uni holidays and still working 'n' chillin. Had quite a good weekend. Went ice skating with Frequency on Friday night... Loved it aye! Just love going so fast on the ice, swerving round and passing everyone. Good fun.
On Saturday I went down to the foreshore in Vic Park and helped paint a mural on an underpass. Theres a fair bit of wall to cover and I was called up and asked whether I would like to partake in the project. The Vic Park council advertised it and ppl put their tenders in for it. David won the tender then asked me if I could ad something to the mural. The mural was all about Road Safety so I went around and took pictures of lollipop men and women. Made a sketch, met at 10 on Sat morning, drew it up on the wall and started painting and spraying. Had a great time there. Still haven't finished so I gotta return next Saturday.
So Sunday was Church and the youth led the service. I took led the music team, Justin did his testimony, Travis took cummunion, Daniel, Justin, Trav and I sang and played an item, Diana did the announcments and Ryan preached. Tell ya what, Ryan preaches a storm! He's really gifted and preaches straight from the Bible. The youth did an awesome job on Sunday. Good work guys!
My Dad also came back from the hospital on Sunday too, after having an operation of his arm on Friday - his birhtday! lol... He'll be out of work and won't be able to drive or do anything for about 6 weeks... Another 6 weeks on top of everything else! His healing process is taking a long time....
Diana also had her birthday on Sunday! So we had a surprise lunch for her at Bella Rosa and THE best cheesecake from the cheesecake shop. We just relaxed and hung out for the rest of the day... So that was my weekend. Had a lot of fun! I have posted (is that a word) a few pics below so check em out.

Church birthday pics and youth pics. We had Jade Lewis come and talk to the youth on Friday night. She was great. Church birthday was awesome as well. We've turned 3! We also launched a new logo, business cards, welcome packs and a brand new website. Log onto our new site! www.cityviewchurch.com.au. Robert did an awesome job with the site!

Pics from youth last Friday night

Painting and Prints
Just posting a whole heaps of photos of some of my works of art at uni. I've finished all my reviews and essay for the semester! So now I can sit back, relax, post and start on some of my commissions. Finally.
 This is a much better pic of the busker in Melbourne. This pics above my bedroom door now. It'll get repositioned in my room somewhere after we paint and decorate but uh, that won't happen for awhile. But it looks good where it is! I had a lot of nice comments about it from fellow uni mates, so yeah.
 Its my little James! I did quite a few prints of James at uni in my printmaking class. Just played around with the inks and different surfaces with a few others. What ya do with prints is that you get a sheet of metal and cover it in thick black tar. When its dry, you carve outan image on the sheet of metal with a pointy tool then put it in acid. The acid erodes the exposed metal and makes an indent in the metal. You wash off the acid and tar, put painty ink over the plate and then press it to paper in one of those machines. Pretty cool process. You don't know how it'll turn out.
 Now this was something that I'd been working on for awhile. The first half of semester I didn't know what to do. Had no ideas at all. It all just started happening the second half of semester. Three of the paintings are of Jane (One of them is unfinished) and the others are of models. I know theres a nude in there. But its an artist thing. I was trying to point out the fact that when you look at all those modelling photos, advertisments, etc, they all look so very unnatural! Even when I took pics of Jane in her room, her expressions weren't natural at all. It was like "Are you done now? This is taking a long time. Are you finished taking pics of me in my room?" Especially the nude painting of that model. Who wakes up in the morning and stretches sexily like that? lol definately not me. I have messy hair everywhere, puffy eyes and lips, morning breath, the works! lol. Wow, I'm a mere mortal.
 Just a pic of my painting review. I think it went really well.

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