Over My Head....
Hey all!
Uni starts next week! Groooooan... I like my course but it also means that I'll have to study and not go out as much. But I like going out! But I promised myself that I would work hard this year and to the best of my abilities.
Had a great weekend. Uni started up the Saturday just gone. We invited three young ones along. Thats what we wanna do - start inviting the younger youth. Cos our youth is mainly made up of older people. We're all nearly in our twenties or mid twenties. It was nice to have them there, all though they didn't really say much. They were quiet, being new and all.
Then on the Sunday the youth took the meeting! I led the praise and worship. It was awesome, you should have seen the church. They all really worshiped God aye, like I prayed they would. We also did a new song - I am Free, by the Newsboys. Great song. Neways, then justin, Daniel, Travis and I sang a song (over my Head, by Starfield) and took communion. Then Diana got up and did the announcements. Shes a natural at it! She was funny and entertaining and said it all really nicely. Then we had two sermonettes (smaller sermons so we could fit them in). We had Matt and Ryan give their sermons that they'd prepared for camp. Tell ya what they were awesome sermons. They did really well. Their naturals, the both of them. Their sermons were really thought out. So yeah, that was our Sunday meeting!
Hope you all have a great week. If your starting uni next week then goodluck and God bless.