[Mind Blank]

Friday, November 17, 2006

I love ya, but I gotta leave ya!

Well! How eventful have my past few weeks been?? Finally finished uni... Now its work work work for me! Wow, look at the time! I should be getting ready for this very minute. I promise to post more later... These pics your about to look at are from my exhibition... Its not one of those normal paintings-on-wall exhibiton places... Its a little crazier than that. Neways, enjoy. Chat soon.

This is some of my peers in the Northbridge units class, standing around outside of the exhibition place, listening to our lecturer...

Spectrum! The night of the exhibition held in Spectrum's artspace. The exhibition was a part of one of my units where the class had to go out into Northbridge and make art out of it... Then have an exhibition at the end. Pretty interesting project. Had a lot of fun on that night. Fiona, Joy and Daniel came with me on the night and looked around at everyones work... Then we went to Vultures afterwards and had a luuuuurvely meal, then drove around, went to Kinds Park and then went home. Pretty tired when I came home aye. What a day that was! I was stressing that day... Didn't know whether I'd finish my space or not. The students in the class were given a metre's length of wall each... A metre wide which went from the floor to the roof... so Yeah, was pretty interesting to see what people came up with.

Looking into Spectrum (ECU's art space, where they hold exhibitions in Northbridge).

Me standing infront of my wall. Yes, I cut out every single one and put up every single one... It took awhile aye. My wall was a bout the people (well obviously)... The city and Northbridge is mainly about the people, its not the shops and the buildings that make up a city, its the people. Just really interesting to see people out there, doing their day to day things, totally oblivious to the fact that I was taking their picture.... I know this artwork is NOT what I normally would produce, but this class was mainly about thinking outside the square, producing art from stuff you find in the streets of Northbridge, etc... Raising issues and yada yada yada. It was a great class cos you really start to bond with your other peers... and you help each other out when their stressing... Specially the week before the exhibition.

Chester doing a performance piece... When they were wrapping him in string I grabbed a big clump of ice and put it down his back... and he could do nothing about it hehehe.

A students work...

Chester's wall...

Chester's wall again

Room full of students work.

This one was a performance piece too. I think she was reflecting how Northbridge has heaps and heaps of X rated clubs and stuff... *shudder* so many of them in Northbridge aye.

Seb's wall

Seb's wall. He worked on it while everyone was there. I guess it was a performance piece...

students artwork

Peers art work...

Its all been taken down now... Now its all just a pile of paper and figures. Good memories but.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Like, finally! An update!

For 4 weeks I have been sick. Four weeks! Its a horrible virus... I've lost my voice, been really achey, had stomach pains, can't eat, etc ,etc. Its a virus that keeps coming back... Like I'll be semi ok one minute and then the next I'll have a head ache and pains. Wierd. But I'm not confined to my bed or anything... I can still do stuff, it just hurts, thats all.

I'm sorry for the lack of posts. Its the end of my first year of uni and I've had exams and reviews and yada yada yada. So this week I'm finishing off work and trying to recover from this virus. I'll post pics soon, I promise. I've been doing so much over these past few weeks... Had an art exhibition (I was in there for an entire week trying to get it done) and heaps of other things. Oh and whats scary is that its nearly Christmas... Dude... This years gone waaaay too fast. I mean, I'm nearly a second year uni student. 4 more years after this one...

Anyways, I'm gonna go and finish my paintings and stuff now... And try to eat. I've lost weight over this virus :S Thats a good and bad thing at the same time. Hope ya'll have a good week! Stay healthy, drink loads of water and get heaps of shut-eye!