[Mind Blank] |
Can we thank him enough?
Hey! Haven't posted in awhile. Uni's been full on aye. Which is good, I like it. The uni life is great. Electronic arts, painting, the Northbridge assinment and also the cultural history lectures are good. I love it all! I tell ya what, I have had to buck up though. A bigger work load usually means a tighter schedual. Anyways, life is good. Can I really complain? No, I don't think so. I've been thanking God over and over for the past few weeks. God has blessed me so much. If I'm ever in trouble he's always there to help me and pull me through. He's NEVER left me to fend for myself. Even when I thought I was on my own, I sure wasn't. I love my family, youth group, church, cell group, uni friends, work friends... Wow, he's blessed me in all the areas of my life. Come on guys, do we really thank God enough? Sometimes we just gotta stop asking, asking, asking and taking things for granted. We gotta just lift our hands and actually thank him. Have you really just sat down and thanked him, ever? I do that regularly in my car, whilst driving to uni and other places. Just pop on a Christian CD and listen to the words... Just beautiful love songs to God that really glorifies his name. Just thank him. Praise his name. Nothing makes him more happy than to see his children praising him. Cos hes truly worthy of your praises. My God is worth it. Hes my best friend aye. I can share everything with him. He loves me enough to send his only son to die for me...... Wow, I'm really blurting it out aye. My fingers just don't want to stop. Theres no way to describe him. He is AWESOME.

 Youth group pics. We were actually spose to have youth in the RSL hall... But when everyone got there, there was no parking left and a huge party was going on in the hall next to us... With people drinking and mucking around... So we headed back to my place where we played games and then watched a movie. Turned out to be a really good night.
 Hehe, looks at Jay's big grin. Hes so funny. And theres Di Di and Daniel, who was trying to hide from the camera...
 The gorgeous Diana with her new hair cut! I love it, I think it suits her so much.
 Justin and me!
 We had a art competition as well... Except we had to draw something with sauce. It turned out to be pretty good too. I drew the top one and my cousin (whose also a great artist) drew the bottom one. They turned out really good. I think I may play about with sauce again some other time... Oh, and we both got prizes for them cos people liked em both the same.
 Ryan and Travis fighting with light sabers. Ahem, I mean, bread sticks. lol yeah... bread stick fights. They're actually pretty funny and a lotta fun.
 hehe, I so pummelled her in this fight. Twas fun :-D
 And look! I'm wounded! What from? The bread stick fight! I"m serious, the bread stick made me bleed. It stung too. lol... so wierd.

To be Blind...
Hey! Long time no see. What have I been upto? I number of things... Really I can't think of a way to begin, so I think I'll just randomly think of things and events to say. As ya'll prolly know, Adrenalin was on on Friday and Saturday night. Was a really good concert. Not a bad turn out. Dave Reardon said that the turn out was better the night before, but it was still good that nigt. Guy Sabastian performed really well and so did the Nubian Jets. The Youth Alive band is always good. Had great music and a great word. Sanga preached... he always seems to stir the crowd and lead them into hysterics. I was looking over at my cous Jay a lot, he was cracking up all the time! He loved it! I did too... Sometimes its just great to be in the crowd and recieve the spirit. Leading worship is great on Sunday mornings, but sometimes its good to have a rest and just praise God from a different angle. No ones looking at you - its just you and God. Oh and Emma got saved! So good! Had been waiting for that to happen. We had a good number of Frequency ppl there, which was good too. I spent nearly the whole day in Perth today. Had that Northbridge assessment thing again. This time I took portrait pictures of random ppl and asked them questions. Like 'Where were you born?', 'What do you do for a living?' and 'If there was one thing you would change in the world, what would it be?'. That last question really got people thinking. Got some good answers and some really stupid and extremely selfish answers too. Some were "Make alcohol free!" and "Lower the drinking age"... Over my dead body are they gonna lower the age! Theres all ready too many teen deaths out there... Don't wanna add any more to the toll! After taking pics with my group I seperated from them and walked around by myself taking photos, and then ended up getting together with another group of friends. We made our way through the city and had turns pretending to be blind. One of my friends is partially blind and carries one of those sticks with her. She once had totally fine health, and then one day her body just went totally wrong. Her nerve were eating the myelin sheath around it which caused her body to go haywire. She had to re-learn how to lift up her head, feed herself, walk... You name. That girl has been through a lot. And that only happened over a year ago. She has come a looooong way. Shes so cool. Anyways, we had an experience of being blind. We put on sunnies and walked with the stick. I tell you what, people really get out of your way! And you get some really wierd looks as if your an alien or something. People really don't know what to do around you. I've got a pic of my friends doing this. It was really funny, but kinda sad at the same time. I mean, it would be aweful to be blind. But you know what was wierd? I saw so many people that I know while I was acting blind. I didn't know whether to say hi or not... Cos I didn't know how they'd react to me doing that. After having lunch with my friends, which was around 3:00, I left and went back to uni to finish an assessment. But I realised whilst walking back to my car to get to uni that I'd left a disc that I needed at home... So I had to go all the way back home and then all the way to Mount Lawley. That took ages aye. I'm glad to say that I got the assessment done. I got home round 5:30 and had dinner, then got ready for Cell Group. After summing it all up, I think I had a pretty good day. Was really interesting. I really had to pluck up the courage to talk to people... It wasn't easy. I got rejected a lot. But thats ok... Not everyone likes having their photo taken.

Down with pushing in!
Hey, I'm back! I've been under the weather for a whole week. Yes, I've had this horrible virus for a week now, and I'm finally feelings better. No more aches. I think that has to do with the fact that I got nearly a whole days worth of sleep yesterday. I tell ya what though, I really needed that. I was beginning to think that the sickness was never gonna end! Adrenalin is on this Saturday. I've invited a few people. Should be really good. We have a number of people going and we're all gonna car pool down there (car pooling is much quicker and somewhat easier than a bus). I hope the sound is good, considering what it sounded like 2 years earlier. I remember it being in this humungous cement room. The sound was atrocious... Couldn't even make out what the preacher was saying! And we had to sit on the concrete floor too. Sooooo cold. But seeing as its in the Challenge Stadium this year it should be better. I love big youth events where all the young Christian's come together and praise God. Its so exciting. The bands should be good too. I had uni today, but after my class I went to go and pay some fees off. I was waiting in the long line and turned to see someone had pushed in front of me. Now because I hate confronting people (trust me, I do. I may not seem the shy type, but everyone gets shy at times), I didn't say anything. I just kind of seethed silently on the spot. It took FOREVER for the line to go down. They flippin need more cashiers at student central! Its a humungous university for crying out loud! Thousands of people attend! Sorry, I get really passionate about people pushing in lines. I mean, doesn't it annoy you schoolies when the younger students push in in-front of you? I thought so. If you where a younger student than me last year and you pushed in-front of me, you better have watched out. I was ruthless last year. Those younger students are so darn cheeky, and I mean, I was one of the oldest kids in school! No little snots are gonna get in-front of me first! (I never pushed in either... I don't think its fair at all. I HATE it, so I don't do it... Well, not when theres people i don't know around me). Anyways, thats all for now. I'll post some pics of my art work later. Dads using the camera so I don't really have any pics of my weekend. Have a good one!

Stupid Virus.
Grrrr, don't you hate viruses? I do, especially when you've got one yourself. I felt so achey and yucky yesterday. And I woke up with cramps nearly every hour of the night when I was sleeping. My body also didn't know whether it was too hot or too cold, and for some reason my body and head felt very heavy when I woke up. Now I'm under the influence of two panadol, I'm not feeling too bad. Not 100%, but ok. I walked around Northbridge a lot yesterday. Took me awhile to get to my destination - darn stupid 'No turning right' signs! When I got there I met up with a few uni friends and we went on our way taking photos, collecting stuff, sight seeing. It was pretty good. When everyone left I went on alone and went to the Art Gallery and walked around Perth for awhile. I gotta say, walking around Perth would have been nicer if I had some company, but sometimes its good to be left alone with your thoughts. I've got a few photos to post - of music practice and maybe some of Northbridge. I tell ya what though, Northbridge doesn't give me a nice feeling. I wouldn't like to hang around there at night. Its so dangerous aye. Its just so seedy and has so many cafes and restaurants and flippin triple X stores. Some of my uni friends went in there to take photos but I stayed outside and waited, alone. I like having a good rep, thank you very much. Why would I wanna go in there? *shudders*
Ciao for now! Stay well... don't let the stupid cold get a hold of you!

 Just posting a few pics from my day out at Northbridge... Not all of em, cos they'll just bore you. And a few pics are from music practise. Ciao for now.
 I swear I've seen this kind of graffeti somewhere before. Maybe some of the deviant artists go out on the street and paint.... So they don't just paint on paper!
 Heres something amazing, there are actually nice looking streets in Northbridge. Flippin small houses, but nice looking streets. I just loved walking down there.
 Just some interesting *ahem* I mean bad graffiti on the wall of the art gallery. There must be some way to chanel the graffiti artists to paint somewhere else, instead of it being all over peoples walls in public places!
 'The Caller' - I really like that statue. Its stands outside the Art Gallery. The artist was inspired by a man who was standing beside the river, who then called out to the other side of the river to get the attention of a ferry driver. See how the statue is facing the centre of Perth? Interesting aye.
 At music practise.
 Luke on the bass, Jason, Travis and Geoffe on the guitars.
 My Dad on the drums.
 Look, theres di playing the trumpet! She was sick that night. She had what I have now. We know who gave it to us.... grrrrrr.
 Ryan, Justin Cherise (my cousin), Mum and Dad singing.

Why isn't the meat blue and brown?
Hey, just came back from music practice. I've been taking a few photos of church events of late, cos we've updated the site and the people who are doing the site want more pics so... The camera has been of some use :-) I also had uni today for 45 minutes. Doesn't really seem worth it eh? No, I didn't think so either. But its a good lecture, I enjoy. Chris really gets us thinking. We're learning about modernity and how the industrialization has had an impact on our culture, etc. Its really interesting. See! We're not just weird art students who learn crap all. I love the course, its so interesting. Have you guys ever thought about the meat that we buy at the butchers? Why is it that al the meat there is still a nice lovely red, with red blood, when us humans bruise ourselves and the bruises turn blue and purple? Shouldn't the meat be blue and purple too? Yesssss... But we put something called chemicals into our meat. Its just like everything in our culture, its all been adapted and changed by industrialization. Anyways, enough with all that... I went to Southern River and saw Heavens Gates Hells Flames last night. A few of us youth went to see it. It was really good - and great to see so many people saved. Such a good outreach. Tomorrow I'm going into Northbridge for uni. I think I've allready told you guys why. It should be good, taking pictures and drawing interesting stuff, etc. I may do a spot of shopping afterwards too :-P I think I may go now. Its getting late and I've typed enough. See ya'll later.

 A few of the Frequency people pausing for a photo at the Sit in Movie night. Aren't they a good looking bunch? :-D
 Sitting around before we get into the night.
 Matt explaining some of the games. He says hes not a poser, but even when he doesn't know it, he poses!
 hehe Queen and King Blanky.... lol Long story.
 Everyone brought their blankies and a batch of muffins. So MANY muffins aye! Haven't seen so many all together before. So good... Mmmmm I had a Jaffa muffin. We had a sit in movie night. Hence the blankets.
 Emma doesn't look very happy, does she? Ithink she may have been feeling how I felt - sick and full after eating all them muffins. Alas, I don't have a pic of the tremendous amount of muffins we had, because I was too busy scoffing them down to care about taking a photo.
 Hehe... Hello Kahli :-P I invited Kahli (one in the green) to youth and she brought her friend. I really enjoyed that chocolate you left me... I know what your trying to do. Your trying to get me fat, aren't you? lol
 Mum preaching at church the next morning. She spoke a really good word Sunday too, as always.

Work, art and music. What a good combination.
Hey everyone... its Thursday morning and really cloudy out there. The weatherman said it would be fine! But I guess we really need the rain. We've only got 30% in our dams... 30% of water! That is so bad. I don't have uni today. I used to last semester but my time table has changed.So I have work from 1 till 9 tonight. Oh joy. It'll be a bit sad cos one of my co-workers left yesterday. She'd been there for 7 yrs (during her own schooling yrs and uni, she now has a "proper" job). So she'd been there the whole time I'd worked there too. She was so nice, Sarah was the one everyone would run to and ask for help if Sandy (the other supervisor) was stressed out. And she was nice if we suddenly couldn't do our shift the next day. She'd get on the phone right away and find someone else to do our shift. So yeah, now shes gone... Gonna miss her! Had uni yesterday morning. Got a new assignment! I'm happy about this one, I've got a feeling its gonna be good. Its centred around Northbridge. For 6 weeks we're gonna go round Northbridge, draws things, collect stuff, take pics, take some footage, anything! And after mid semester reviews we actualy got to make a composition out of it. We have to make our composition in 'Spectrum', which is an art gallery that the uni owns in Northbridge. And when we're in the process to making the artwork, it'll be open to the public, so they can walts in any time and check out what we're doing. Really exciting stuff... I mean, we may actually have to talk to them. dum dum duuuuuuum... lol. At the end of the semester we'll be having a closing party, not and opening but a closing. So our family and friends can check out what we've been doing and everything. So I'm looking forward to it! It should be good. Anyways, I'll leave you's with some pics. Only a few. There not that great, but there something. Just a few pics from music practise on Sunday night. We don't have Sunday night services, so we have music practise and pack up instead. Then we go out afterwards and eat take out and the youth go and do something usually... and whine about having to go back to school, uni or work the next day lol. We also have music practise on Tuesday's as well, in Joy's house. They're always brill. She always has good food too. Its like a fellowship... we have music practise and then we sit around and chat and serve food, etc.
Have a good one!

 Ginny, Mum , Dad, Joy and Geoffe all practising.
 Ryan, Justin and Diana reading a new piece of music.
 Andrew! Some of the pics are blurry cos I didn't have the flash on. The flash can make pictures really dark sometimes.
 My daddy
 Jason and Trav
 Joy and Geoffe
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