[Mind Blank] |
Frequency's 2nd Birthday!
Hey! Frequency had its 2nd birthday last Saturday night! It was a really good night with nice food and great games. I love the youth aye... their all such awesome people! Its amazing though... to see how Frequency has grown spiritually and in its numbers. I remember when it first started - the founding members were Ryan, myself, Diana, Andrew and Fiona. Matt, Lauren and Brendon were there as well. So just to go from those few members and to see its leadership grow... to see new Christian's come into the youth as well is just awesome. So I've got a few pics to post - AND they were taken from a proper digital camera. Harruh! Finally got to use it. Dad's been using it for his work so I haven't seen it in awhile. Uni started today. I had studio prac one, which is painting. It wasn't too bad, everyone was pretty quiet cos its a new class and not everyone knows each other. I know people in there, but their not really friends which you can giggle with and depend upon. I just want someone who I can have fun with in class - who I can stick to and get a coffee and chat with. A nice study pal... The drive home was nice. I enjoyed driving under the grey clouds and listening to Pete Murray on the cd player. Such good chill music. Neways, I"ll leave you to the pics now! Ciao!

 hehe look at all those balloons! Ryan and Matt blew a whole lot of balloons up... I helped blow up a few too. Took a few packets, I tell ya that now. Was hillarious though, walking into the room and all the balloons trying to escape out the door.
 Ryan starting the meeting of Frequency's 2nd birthday! Woot!
 Trying to get the most balloons on the other teams side. It was pretty hectik in there.
 Us going crazy with the game.
 Startin pass the parcel - its the game where your only allowed to unwrap the paper if you answer the question right which is written on the parcel. And yada yada yada... Like duh, who hasn't played that game before?
 Rima with the parcel. haha she looks cute hiding behind that mound of paper.
 Sitting around eating
 Oh man, that room was so messy after we popped all them balloons. You can see some of it there, next to Robert, who is really trying to resist posing for the camera. hehehe
 Em, Kimberly and Jay! Are you trying to show your hair off Kimberly? Yes, it is so very silky and soft.
 Kimberly ba bimberly! Nice hair, hehe.
 Piggin out on scumdiliumptious food!
 Happy Birthday Frequency!
 Justin, Diana eating mmmm cake and my cousin Jay!!
 Justin trying to look cool. It doesn't seem to be working lol. Nuh Justin, your mummy thinks your cool.
 Shocks, Pegs, LUCKY. Guess where that came from. NAPOLEAN DYNAMITE. I got the shirt custom-made in Melbourne in a place called "The Basement". Its in Myer where you go downstairs and its the coolest shopping centre EVER. Theres a section where you could make your own tees,. You can choose the picture and whatever you want written on it, pictures of your fave bands, anything. So I got this done. lol I love it.

Frequency's 2nd Birthday!
Hey! Frequency had its 2nd birthday last Saturday night! It was a really good night with nice food and great games. I love the youth aye... their all such awesome people! Its amazing though... to see how Frequency has grown spiritually and in its numbers. I remember when it first started - the founding members were Ryan, myself, Diana, Andrew and Fiona. Matt, Lauren and Brendon were there as well. So just to go from those few members and to see its leadership grow... to see new Christian's come into the youth as well is just awesome. So I've got a few pics to post - AND they were taken from a proper digital camera. Harruh! Finally got to use it. Dad's been using it for his work so I haven't seen it in awhile. Uni started today. I had studio prac one, which is painting. It wasn't too bad, everyone was pretty quiet cos its a new class and not everyone knows each other. I know people in there, but their not really friends which you can giggle with and depend upon. I just want someone who I can have fun with in class - who I can stick to and get a coffee and chat with. A nice study pal... The drive home was nice. I enjoyed driving under the grey clouds and listening to Pete Murray on the cd player. Such good chill music. Neways, I"ll leave you to the pics now! Ciao!

I read someones blog awhile ago, about how they're gonna miss their friend when he goes. It really hit me hard reading that hey. I mean, I've got so many school friends that I don't even see anymore. Like that person said, you say that you'll keep in touch... but on the inside you know that you won't. You'll get slack, you'll forget and you'll go on with life and meet new ppl. Its not that I don't love my old friends, because I do! Its just that we've grown apart, we don't see each other every day like we used to! I remember something that one of my teachers said to the class - "The only thing you have in common with your school friends is school. Your only friends becaouse of school. And when you don't have school anymore, you won't have anything in common. You won't have anything to keep you together anymore." Thats a bright speech, ain't it? But alas, tis true. But its so sad! I really want to stay in touch with them and see them more. But, I've got other friends that have more in common with me. You live, you meet people, you change crowds and you grow. Lifes like that I guess.

Blog entry:
Just got home from work... I sneezed a lot today. And that only means one thing... But no! I believe that I'm healed. That I've allready been healed! lol. thats what my pop always says. Had Frequency on Saturday. Mmmmm pizza and bomb fires. I tell ya what, theres a lot of us fire bugs around. heehee... I'm one of them. Lets just say that there were a few 'bangs' heard that night. Church was on Sunday, of course. The youth went up to Matt's for a bbq. I finally got to see his new dog! Meeka was so cute... You'll see photos of her below. Afterwards we went back to church and yada yada yada. Hung out with Robert, Kimberly, justin, Matt and Tom yesterday. We went to carousel 4 a bite to eat... Waited FOREVER for the bubble tea lady to get back from her 15 min break (She took a 45 min break, even though her sign said "Back in 15 mins :)" Never trust those signs). Lets just say that by the time she got back from her break, there were no more complimentary samples left, courtesy of Kimberly and myself. We went to the movies but there wasn't anything interesting on, so we went back to Rob's. Ended up watching "Tristan & Isolde". It was pretty average. I didn't like it... I felt sorry for the King! He really loved her, yet she was cheating on him! I know she didn't love him but... I still thought it was mean. Tristan should have died earlier on in the piece I reckon. Would have saved a lot of trouble. I've taken a few pictures on my phone again... Seeing as I couldn't find the camera and a post is very boring without some pictures.... Anyways.. I start uni back next week. Do i wanna go back? I don't know. I mean, its gonna be a heavier work load and everything. I guess I'm in a lazy mood right now, thats why I don't feel like going back. Meh. Anyways, gots music prac tonight. Catch yas soon.

 Ryan chatting about what we want to do this term at Frequency.
 Sitting around talking at Frequency.
 *Alyce's mouth waters as she stares into the picture*
 Some of the youth after scoffing down pizzas. Oh I could do with a few slices of pizza right now aye.
 Ryan standing next to the bomb fire. We had smores and marshmallows and chocolate...
 The bomb fire... It grew much bigger when certain things were thrown at it. lol... The next pics of Napolean Dynamite. Gotta love that movie. One of my favourites for its randomness...
 Matt with his puppy Meeka. These last photos are taken at Matt's bbq.
 Meeka! It was so hard to make her stand still so I could take the photo.
 Awe look at the cute couple. Ryan and Kimberly at Matt's bbq. They're so cute together!

Painting, Pizza and a movie.
New post! I thought I would before Frequency. Anyways... I am now into the swing of things. Was a bit tired after the holiday cos we tried to do so much in just two weeks. I'm glad uni doesn't start until next week aye... So I can get down and dirty while painting. I so wanna paint right now, but I gots to go to youth soon... And trust me, you wanna give yourself a lot of time to paint cos its a lot of work. You get paint everywhere, turps, rags for mopping up, have to church on old clothes and make sure you have good light... Make the right measurements when your copying off a picture. I'm about to start a painting of a picture which I took in Noosa/Surfers Paradise. Its of a dad and his two kids fishing in a river, with a bridge in the background. The bridge reflects in the water and it just looks so peaceful and joyful... Just how I felt when I was there. Oh I loved it there! It was so awesome! Anyways, I"m gonna go. Might as well get ready for youth. its at my place tonight and we're having pizza, a movie and a big bomb fire. Man are we gonna stink afterwards lol. Ryan's room looks really good how hes set it all out... Mmmmm warm been bags and blankets and piiiizza. Ciao for now! More pics soon!

 Me and Joy on the plane before we landed in Melbourne to start our holiday! We had such a good time... Can't wait to plan my next big trip with her... Europe maybe? lol... who knows? Enjoy the photos! And my post underneath!
 THE best breakfast EVER! keith (joy's bro) took us out to a small restaurant for breaky... We went back home totally stuffed.
 Hehe... Walking through Myer... Saw the mirror... we thought it was a good photo opportunity ok!
 In the subway with Isobelle and Sasha. Woot, I've been in a subway!
 The view of Melbourne from the train station... So awesome. New amongst the old.
 They had so many carriages in Melbourne too, with beautiful horses... Joy just had to go up and pat them.
 Inside the HUMUNGOUS library... We walked around it for ages looking at everything. I saw a 1500 yr old book in there... Also one of the original Shakespeare's plays published. And one of the first English version of the Bible aswell...
 Joy, Isobelle, Andrew and Sasha infront of the states library... Such a nice building! So much history in there aye!
 Joy, Isobelle and Sasha infront of an old building that I liked... We don't have many buildings like that in Perth, I can tell ya that now.
 There were so many tramd in Melbourne! We took one to the Vitorian Markets in Melbourne. So exciting!
 A view of the river on the South Bank of Melbourne. Good time, good times...
 A pic of the country side as we travelled to the black spur. A just loved it in the Dandenongs and in the hilly ranges... So beautiful. It resembled an English countryside for sure.
 Pretty pic of a view... The trees reflecting on the lake were just stunning to see!
 Joy in the Black spur. We really wanted to get out and walk around... So we made him park the car on the side of the dangerous road and we got out and climbed down the valley a bit.
 Our jaws just dropped while driving through this magical forest...
 Look at the fog through the trees!
 Driving through the Black Spur in Melbourne... So beautiful.
 Noosa! When we landed in Brisbane we couldn't go and check into our motel till 2... and it was only 8.30. So we went to Noosa for the day. It was the sweetest place I'd ever been to. It was like a country town on the coast of the Sunshine Coast, above Brisbane.
 Joy infront of Movie World! And the Superman Ride behind it... THE best ride EVER. We went on it three times.
 Me and Joy at Movie World. We had SUCh a good time there. Go the Superman ride! So many ppl there too... At the end of the day we sat next to the fountain and watched ppl go out... I wanna go baaaack!
 Some cute birds while we drove around the mountains... We got oiut of the car to look at the view and all these birds surrounded us.
 A cute polar bear in Sea World! Which can rip you to shreds in seconds... Its only 5 yrs old and it was playing.
 A shark in Sea World! They had a 'Shark Bay' where they held all these sharks... You can go underneath and see them through glass as well... So awesome.
 This is a picture from the view up the top of the worlds tallest residential building. The Q1... You can go to the top and see a 360 view of the goldcoast. Its got windows all the way around. The elevator is the fastest in the world too. Goes up over 60 floors in seconds. My ears popped whilst we made our way to the top aye.
 Another picture of the view from the top. A river running through the Goldcoast. You could see everything up there!
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