[Mind Blank] |
It was balony! Stupid slug martians...
Another Tuesday and another movie. Over the past week I have watched 3 movies... Last Tues night was MI3, which wasn't too bad. It could have been better, but it was ok. You know, all the far fetched gadgets that he has and stuff. And Tom Cruise has so passed his over-due date. Also watched X Men 3 last Sat with the youth... which was awesome as usual. Some of the stuff that happened was pretty shocking... Like killing off three of the main characters! I couldn't believe it... But it was a good movie. And here I come to tonight. Went out after music prac again tonight with Robert, Paul and Trav and we all saw 'Slither'. Now, that movie SUCKED. I don't know how it even got to the cinemas! I mean, slugs? For crying out loud! It was so corny and weak... Zombies running all over the streets and well... "Meeeeeeat. Meeeeeeeeeeeeat! I'm so hungryyyyyyyy. Want meeeat!" I'm telling you, you don't wanna see it. It's also got some pretty gorry stuff... sucking out peoples insides and watching peoples intestines explode out of their body. I think you get the picture. Stupid slug martians. Anyways, today was spent on working on my essays which were due today. I had three to complete, which had to be 750 words each. I did 2 paragraphs on one of them on Friday night and then did 2 paragraphs on the Sunday after church. I did three quarters of one on Monday afternoon but had to finish the rest today. I did it all without trouble. I thank my english lit class for that... having to write essay after essay after essay in that class last year. You get used to churning out essays all the time. So I went to uni and handed it in at 3.45. I was there for only 10 mins tops, and had to go all the way back home again! I think that was a real waste of petrol... 30 mins there and then 30 mins back. Atleast the drive was enjoyable, I was happy to get away from the computer screen and chill with some good ol' music in the car. I'm listening to Starfield right now. Paul gave it to me to borrow for awhile. They're really good musicians, although some of their songs sound the same. But mostly they’re really good. Tomorrow I get to sleep in! For the first time in what seems like ages. I always have to take Diana to school in the morning, but because its her exam break, she doesn't need to go to school in the morning! Rejoice! I think I should do some much needed drawing tomorrow... or watch a DVD that I'm been dying to see! My friend made a movie... he's such a good actor! Can't wait to see it.
Anyways, thats all from me now... I think I might go and hit the sack.

From burning to blindness...
Thought I'd post a few pics of Diana's play, since she hasn't. I sat there during the play, taking pic after pic after pic. She'll prolly get awesome marks for her Drama portfolio cos of all the pics! I went both nights, I'm so glad I did cos it was fantastic! I'll only post a few pics though, if she feels like posting more she can. lol... If some of you guys thought that me and my uni friends were weird for burning our sculpture, wait till you hear about what I did today! I was blindfolded for 3 hours.. and afterwards I went home. lol, let me explain. My class had to be blind folded for 3 hours and led around to different areas around the canvas. I sat, all alone on a park bench in the shade... I was flippin freezing! And a weird, sleazy guy started chatting to me when I was blindfolded! Creepy stuff... I felt so vulnerable, he could take advantage of me at any time! But he didn't. I was ready at any moment to take my blindfold off and hit him where it hurts... ahem. lol... Then I was led away and into our patio area... Mmmm nice warm sun there. I stayed there for about 45 mins. I nearly fell asleep, I was dozing actually, when Chris (my lecturer) came up and led me away again and into the Aroma cafe. All I could smell was coffee, and hear ppl talking about me and my blindfold ... its pretty wierd aye. Then I was led around the canvas again, with my class mates this time, and then led into a room where we stood silent for awhile. They eventually told us to take our blindfolds off. It was so wierd to take them off! And afterwards we were told to remember the feelings and memories and noises we saw and heard, because we would have to paint our experience in the next lesson. Then I collected my stuff and went home! Funny class eh? Oh I love uni. hahaha... Not many ppl can say that they've been blindfolded for 3 hours. I can though! But guys really, its not all wierd projects we do. I get quite a lot of essays to write about... Like ethics and objective + subjective views on the world, content, form, paradigms... I've got 3 essays due on Tues. So its not all fun and games... But it is mostly enjoyable though. I had work straight after uni so Thursday's are pretty much taken up. uni from 9 till 12. Work from 1 till 9:15. Oh horray. I only get 15 mins to get ready for work and i have to be off again. Takes me at least 30 mins to get from uni to back home. Neways... photos now. Ciao bellas.

 Diana performing as Cinderella. alongside her ugly twin sisters and her evil step-mother. These are some of the pics from Diana's play. Enjoy! 
 Jack and his mother. 
 Heehee... Red Riding Hood and the Wolf. The play was about nursery rhymes. but performed in a way that you've never seen it before. Very funny... 
 Cinderella and the Bakers Wife. 
 Diana and Peter as Cinderella and her Prince. She was so good... She had to opening and finishing lines as well. 
 From Left to Right: Spose to be Jack and his Mother, then Cinderellas evil mother and stepsisters, the kings guard, and behind them is the Bakers wierd mother... 
 From Right to Left: Rupunsel and her Prince, the Wicked witch, Red Riding Hood and her Grandmother, the Baker and the Bakers wide (behind them is Cinderellas dead mother - the ghost), Cinderella and her Prince. 
 Heehee! Go Veggie Tales! Thats Bob the Tomato... I've also got Larry the Cucumber too... Got them both for my birthday. I love em so much! Everyone kept stealing them off me though... Grrr... 
 Had youth on the Sat night, and they all got me a cake. Yum... These pics are from 2 Sat's ago. 
 Me with my cake... lol, what were you doing in the background Daniel? 

Burn baby, burn!
Well... I gotta say I'm a bit upset after what happened only half an hour ago. Stupid HBF lady... She thinks she's sooooo good. Grrrr... Her fake sweetness as she declined my document. Anyways, I don't want to talk about it. Just makes me more upset and angry about it all. I just had to let a bit out. Anyways... On Saturday I went all the way down to Freo with some uni friends to finish a bit of our project. Its about context, and taking something out or its normal context and into something else... Well, my group made a sculpture. And indigenous person who was made out of sticks and twigs and leaves... We had fun placing it in different places around Mount Lawley and at uni, a school, in the bush, in a Jewish supermarket and driving her around while I played Christian music. But on Saturday night, we got to burn her! Yes... we burnt her to the ground and danced around her like hippies! hahahahaaaa... We only did that for a few seconds... danced I mean. Mostly we documented it by taking pictures and taping it. Was a lot of fun, burning it on the beach of Freo. Everyone liked our idea... which was funny. They all seemed very arty down there. lol... I got heaps of photos. I'll post a few for your enjoyment. Mmmmmm... burn baby, burn!
One last thing... I'm not really crazy ok. Its just an assignment that really focuses on context, it doesn't matter what you produce. Don't worrry, I'm not turning into a freaky hippy. lol.

 My group doing the finishing touches to our sculpture. lol... fairly basic, but heaps of fun making. I love art hey, you can just do anything you want! At the moment we're taking all the pictures and video we've shot of her and making a documentary on it all. So today we got into the graphic arts room and started putting it together. Here are some of the shots over the past few weeks. 
 Theres our little sculpture! Yuppa is her name. We drove her around and took her heaps of places. 
 lol... Theres Yuppa all dressed up! Theres so many more photos of her around and about, but it would take me ages to post them up so... 
 Yuppa at and Aboriginal art opening. 
 Amanda and I setting Yuppa up. 
 Look at that sunset! 
 Me, Sarah and Amanda posing with 'Yuppa'. Had so much fun that night. 
 Sarah was so funny... Shes such a fire bug! She couldn't wait to set it on fire... I wanted to burn fer, but I was also a little attatched to her too... shes just so cute! Yuppa was what we called her. Its Aboriginal for 'sister'. 
 There was an awesome sunset as well... 
 Look at it burn! 
 All three of us... We had an awesome time aye. You gotta do it... have a burn off at the beach when the sun goes down. Heaps of fun. 

The weekend
Its been a very busy weekend, I can tell ya that now! I have so many pictures, which is a big change from having no pictures to post at all. Well, Saturday I went to the V8's with Paul. We had Grand stand seats... SO COOL. Then had youth on that night. Daniel had gotten a projector and made a big screen, so we watched movies on it in Ryan's room. Then everyone surprised me with a cake... and sung happy birthday! I was so surprised aye. I didn't even see them get the cheesecake out of the esky... Why didn't they just keep it in the fridge in the room? Oh... maybe cos I'm always rifling through it heehee. I got heaps of prezzies... Thanks guys *big grins* And then Sunday was my actual birthday. I'm 18! Everyone kept asking me whether I would go clubbin... lol... look at me. Do you think I'd go clubbin? I don't think so. I got heaps of prezzies again... and watched another movie on the big screen. After music prac that night we went to HJ's for dinner... And they all surprised me again with icecream cake! And embarrassed me by singing happy birthday very loudly. They also sang it at church that morning too... soooo embarrassing. Then Monday I had uni and then I had to get ready straight after to go to Diana's school play. She was REALLY good. And it was SO hilarious!!! Couldn't stop laughing and slapping my knee. We all took up the first row a few seats in other rows... hehehe thats right. Diana got the loudest cheer at the end. And we gave her a standing ovation. Can you tell we like embarrassing each other? And now I'm waiting for Diana to get ready to go... I'm gonna take her to her play, come back home, get ready myself and then go back... I'm watching it for a second time! Can't wait... It was so darn FUNNY. I'm going by myself this time... but I know a lot of ppl there so it'll be ok.
Anways... Can't be bothered writing anymore. Ciao for now.

 Paul and I leaving.... Woh these are so out of order. I'm in a rush ok! I'll post more later... gotta take Diana to her play. 
 Saw the best sunset when we were leaving 
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