[Mind Blank] |
This and that!
Wow... Yesterday it was so hot. And I mean hot and humid. After being in a lecture and tutorial for 3 hours, you walk out of the cool room and into the heat of the day... I was totally melting. I hopped straight into my car and put the air con on full ball. Well now, it's flippin cloudy out! And really bleak. Anyways... why must I always talk about the weather? Its like I'm in an uncomfortable conversation with someone - run outa ideas you always talk about the weather! Anyways, for more interesting news, Matt and I are in charge of the 'Big Cook Up' this Saturday night. Oh hip hooray. We know what we wanna do, we just gotta organize how we're gonna do it... Hopefully he'll come over again tonight like he always does on Wednesday's before 'Uproar' (the guys home-fellowship on Wed nights). Hopefully Matt won't end up poisoning anybody. heeheehee... All of last week my room was a mess. Why? Because I had a life size drawing that I had spread out on my floor. It took up all of my living space! Thank God I have a big room... Otherwise I would have been in strife. AND thanks for wood floors! It means that I can just wipe paint off, instead of having to scrub a carpet. My lecturer really liked my charcoal drawing. We sat down and talked about it for awhile. Cos you know, everyone's art is really out there and abstract stuff... Whereas mines more... more... um civilized? Normal? Figurative... Yes thats the word. But he said that I didn't have to worry, no-ones work is either right or wrong. He said that I have to practice my drawing everyday but, for atleast half and hour. This is so my eye can be kept into check, and my technique will definitely get better! Anyways, I think I better post some of the pics that I promised ya'll. I couldn't post em up last week cos they needed to be a surprise for youth. It was a competition to see who had the best 'just woken up' face. So Ryan brought a bed into youth and got every single person there to get in and put on their sleepy faces. Ryan ended up winning that competition. He didn't judge it but, it was Travis and Justin who did that. Anways, I had fun with the camera taking pictures of them all... heehee. "Put your sleepy face on... I said now!"

 Kenny! Thats scary... lol, these are the 'morning face' pictures. Have a scrool down and a good laugh. 
 Phillip yawning! That ones really good... hehe 
 hehe Geoffe! What a classic 
 Rima... That is so life like. She really does look like that in the morning. 
 Muuuuna! heehee 
 You can tell whose nose that is... Justin! 
 ha.. Michael looks exhausted 
 Awe... Trust me, Diana looks much worse than that in the morning lol. 
 Haha Paul, you look so cute!!! heehee... 
 hehe... um don't ask. Lets just say, I don't like being woken up in the morning. 
 Travis looking groggy 
 Ewwwww... Thats a gross pic Shaun. 
 heehee... Nice bed hair Luke! 
 Awe, look at Wobert... Did we wake you? 
 Michele with her bottom lip shoved out... awe, a temper tantrum. 
 Ryan, the winner... 

The ethics of Piccinini's art work...
Now that the year has rolled into autumn, we are beginning to get earlier nights and later mornings, as the sun decides to sleep in much more. Having to wake up early is a real hassle, specially if its homework that your waking up to. I am studying Patricia Piccinini's work at the moment. Piccinini's work confronts us with some profound and thoroughly contemporary ethical questions. Like, what are our responsibilities towards life created through other ways than biological reproduction? What of the increasing number of children created through fertility technologies? How can we still meaningfully distinguish between a natural and artificial living being given the extent of technological intervention in producing, maintaining and enhancing life? Etc, etc etc... Her work 'siren mole' is a good example, as well as We are family "The Young Family". That is really disgusting... its like a dog, but covered in human flesh. http://www.patriciapiccinini.net/ - its really interesting. Its not exactly appealing, but it raises a lot of ethical questions in a time where scientists are tampering with cells more than ever.

 "The Young Family" by Patricia Piccinini. What do you think? I think it is rather disturbing... but Piccinini would like us to look upon her work with love and compassion. i'm sorry, but I can't seem to do that. A dog-like creature with human flesh and features does not make me want to cock my head and mutter the word "Awwwwe...". 

All Dressed in White.
After waking up, taking Diana to school, coming back, vacuuming and watering the garden, working out at the gym with Fiona (I am so going to tone those thighs) and drawing my next art project, I am here! I can hear the sound of the coffee machine, pouring a hot black liquid into a mug... Mums getting her next hit of caffeine. I'm feeling fine, not including a slight hunger in my stomach for sweet foods. No! I am on a diet, once again, always trying to get that super model body... I guess it didn't help today, after going to the gym and seeing the skinniest most prettiest women working out... Whats more, they had a super model program running on the TV! Arrrg... I think its one of their tactics in trying to get fat people to sign up for their gym. Fitness First everybody! I have some pictures to post... yay! Courtesy of Fi's camera. I forgot to bring my camera to Uncle Steve's and Nikki's wedding, so I took pics off hers :-) It was beautiful... I had the best time. So! Here's to the cute couple and nice pictures!

 Diana, Dad, Uncle Steve and myself before the wedding. 
 Here comes the bride, all dressed in white... 
 Theres the bride, looking nervous... With her Daddy to comfort her. This was when I REALLY started getting the sniffles. 
 Awe.... Look at my wittle cousins!!!!! SO ADORABLE! I cried aye... I'm such a baby. 
 Signing the papers... 
 And there they are... It was a lovely wedding, a bit hot but lovely. 
 The boys. Don't they just look smashing? Just smashing! 
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