[Mind Blank] |
Have a Happy New Year everybody!
Have a Happy New Years everybody! May God Bless you as you enter into the new year! Hope it is a successful one for ya'll! And wow, I have used a lot of exclamation marks! But I don't care!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 Me and Diana after swimming at Cottesloe beach... Twas good fun. Afterwards we went back to my place, where I absolutely shovelled food down my throat. Man was I hungry! And then we sat around Ryan's room till late, talking and muckin around. 
 The beach from the changerooms ... Isn't it bootiful? 
 We went to Cottesloe. It was windy, but really nice and warm in! The current was strong too, and we kept gettin pushed further and further away from our bundle of clothes and bags up on the beach. 
 Justin and Ryan goin in... 
 Our stuffs... Mike, Rima and Muna were in the car... Scardy cats!!!! 
 Jason, Justin, Diana, Ryan, Travis and myself went to the beach yesterday! Rima, Muna and Michael went too, but stayed in the car cos it was 'too cold'. Well I think you three are chicken! Chicken I telly ou *starts to cluck and immitate a chicken* So are you Trav! "Its too cold!" Ah cobblers!!! 

Enter into another world... .. .
Oh how I would love to enter into another world... As a youngen, I would always imagine what it would be like in fairyland... to be invited into a world not of our own... One with magic and colours and fantasy creatures. Well last night was my chance... Yes, I saw 'The Chronicles of Narnia. The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe." It was THE most SPECTACULAR movie EVER! They made a totally fantasy movie into a real life situations. Like it was so realistic... I was just consumed by it all... T.S Elliot had such a beautiful mind... a wonderful imagination. Did you know that "Narnia" is totally related to the Bible. T.S Elliot was a Christian, and the movie has symbolic sections taken from the Bible. Like when the Lion sacrificed himself for Edmand, one of the boys. What does that remind you of? All the way through the movie I was being told the story of Mankind, and God and the day when Jesus will come back... The afterlife... I saw all this last night, as I sat next to Jacquie and Rhianna, who sleepily leaned on me as they watched the movie. On my left hand side sat the rest of the gang. Luke, Geoffe, Joy, Mum, Dad and Diana. I love being with them, their like family to me. hehe, they all came over for Boxing Day and we spent the whole day together. Although the youth did come around 5.30, where Di, Ryan and myself hung around with them in his room. We then went out for a walk and to Maccas, came back to watch a movie, exchanged presents, yada yada yada. Good times, good times. I just can't see myself without all these ppl in my life. They have certainly been apart of who I am over the past year and a half.

 Me with Bud Bud after the movie... listening to a new cd that I gots for Christmas. I got a fair good amount of presents aye. Like $130 worth of credit from Mike, Rob and Paul. So cool eh?! And some Body shop stuff from Paul, a t-shirt ordered from America from the BEST Net comic ever!!!!! I got that from Matt... An AWESOME present... I gots heaps of moneys, Waves gift vouchers, Koorong giftboucher, clothes, movie ticket, accessories, sutff for my car... and a lot of other wicked stuff. Thankyou so much for the prezzies you guys... Love yas all 

A new post! Yay!
Phew! Its been one hectic month I tell ya! What with Christmas, retail, shopping, worrying over TER results, spending time with friends, getting very littles sleep, etc, etc... But enough about my business. Christmas was great! I love Carols by Candlelight and performances like that... Our music team had to do it all over again at my pops church in Giraween. The crowd there was so awesome! They loved our music so much. Especially the song "Great Southland" ... I think I agree with them on that one. Its one of my faves too. Well... I've done so much lately that I can't remember any particular moments! Oh except when I got a letter from ECU saying that my interview was successful, that my work was of a high standard and if I got good results in the TER, then I'd be in. Well guess what, I'm IN! In I tell you IN! I'm so happy... To actually be accepted, and not having to go to TAFE first and then uni is so great. I can't wait, I'm really gonna love the uni life. SO yes, I did get my TER results back. And I got a really good mark! I'm so happy... hehe, I think mum is really proud too. Everyone I talk to had brought it up, cos mums allready blurted it all out to ppl! hahaha I love you mum... You don't know how much aye. Today wasn't bad. I've bin working everyday. And I mean, every.single.day. So annoying... but good money! I've bin doing a lot of spending lately. But thats only cos I'm celebrating the results. Yesterday at work was the worst day EVER! Customer after customer had a problem. And I had to ring up the different departments and get my supervisors help with everyone. It wasn't that I couldn't do it, its cos the pricing was ALWAYS wrong, and we needed to confirm the prices. *sigh* it was a big job, and I think one of the store managers noticed how much crap I copped from the customers. Cos today, the manager came up and awarded me with a little coupon, saying that "I was so amazed to see you handle all those situations yesterday. You handled them well, and kept a positive attitude. Keep working at your best!" And with that, she patted me on the back with a job well done and left. Now I would be in a draw to win a prize cos of my good behaviour! lol... so funny. But its awesome that someone finally see's how much effort you put into things. Well, Christmas is over... Now its New Years coming up. I feel that next year is going to be SO full on. Like, God has got so much in store for me.. I think hes gonna do some radical changing in my life... Which I'm only too happy about! Well, bring it on God! I can take it... I'm lovin life at the moment... Stay classy, planet Earth.

 We drove around lookin at lights! It was really good... I had an awesome nite aye. i luv Chrissy lights! Don't you? Gettin into the spirit of things! 
 Hahaha! Luke makin a silly face whilst lookin at a Christmas display... He looks quite amusing. 
 Baby Jesus in the manger! 
 Hoppin back into da bus... 
 By far, the best display! 
 Is that yummy Robert? 
 This house had the best display aye... 
 Diana and I... 
 How you doin Mr Snowy Joe? 
 O come, all ye faithful... *hums it distractedly as she posts another Christmas picture up* 
 Mike and I in the bus... Travelling from house to house to see all da pretty houses. 
 Man, I love this photo... 
 Thats awesome.... Its like fairy land! 
 Hey Matt! hehehe 
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