[Mind Blank] |
Forever Young
Forever young. Those words have been echoing in my head all night and all morning, after hearing the theme song to the year 12 departure. The events of last night run through my mind like a DVD, choosing the scenes I want to view and ignoring the scenes which are truly upsetting. Last night, was my last school event ever. And now I'm sitting here, totally numb to the fact. When I tell people that I've left, that I don't need to go back, their response is, "Yes! Aren't you glad you've finally got out of that place?!" But I don't feel that way at all. Much like the opposite in fact. I'm so sad to think of the fact that my whole grade will never be whole and together again as one group, ever. Last night was the last time. I see faces in my mind, and my lip trembles. I stopped typing for a second and sighed. You may think I'm a nerd, but I don't think so. I think I've just developed a connection with these beautiful, fresh, mind blowing people. I've been together with them for three years. And all though they gave me a hard time when I first arrived at Lumen Christi College, I learnt to love them. Funny but stupid popular boys, the beautiful, sometimes friendly popular girls, the bogans, the music nerds, the rockers, the middle group, and the nerds. I think I was part of the nerds. Although I don't think we were. I think we were just labeled that. But no one discriminated us for that fact. We all got along fine. Yesterday was the presentation evening. Where all the awards are given to the students, performances are done to show off to the parents and its a time when everyone can say the last goodbye to the yr 12s. iIperformed in the Swing Band and played two songs. "little Brown Jug" and "Woodchoppers". It was awesome! It went off. We were wearing plack pants and white tops with braces. We wanted hats as well, but they would obscure our faces, so we didn't. Everyone loved our performance. I was bopping up and down on the drums as I played. Soaking it in, feeling exhilarated. But also sad at the same time - the last time I'd ever, EVER, play with the Swing Band. After the Swing band I had to give my School Ambassador trophy to the New School Ambassador for next year. That was a little sad as well, as I will not being looking at it in my own house anymore. Then I had to give the year 12 gift, along with Phillip, to Father Leonard. We got him a Monastery, I think thats what its called? He chose it, and we paid for it. The new Head girl and Head boy were chosen, and my badge on my blazer went quite dim, as I wasn't Deputy Head girl for Lumen Christi anymore. Then came the awards. I laugh as I remember them. I was only expecting a few certificates, but was weighed down by prizes! I was awarded the "People's Choice Award for Best Display. From the lumen Christi College 2005 Art Exhibition" I was so amazed! Everyone at the art exhibition had to write down whose display they liked best and put it in a box. And I got the most votes! I was awarded a certificate, and also a bag FULL of Jackson's art supplies! I nearly SCREAMED with joy. Then I was awarded the "Highly Commended Award" for my painting, and received yet ANOTHER bag of Jackson's art supplies! I had over $200 full of equipment right there in my hand... And was having trouble holding it all! I then received another certificate for my "Selection for the College Acquisition, for her piece 'Northbridge'" and also got my $300 cheque... So all up, i reckon I had about $600 at hand. So awesome. I then went on to receiving a Merit Certificate for "Highest Achievement in Art" another for "High Achievement in Religious Education" (heehee), "Highest Achievement in Art TEE", "Highest Achievement in Art & Design". My last award was another Merit Certificate "The Percussion Award for Music". Haha, Mr Bull (my principal) and the man I shook hands with, just kept piling them on top of the stuff I was holding "I think I"ll just put that one there. Oh and I'll just put this one on top like that. Well done!" haha, I could barely shake hands as well. After the awards was the Yr 12 item, where I sang with the best guitarist, bass, drum and flautists in yr 12. We performed a rather funky and modern version of "I can see clearly now". I didn't do a bad job... considering that I was singing to over 2000 people... Scary stuff. The applause was awesome. And then after I had to lead all of the yr 12s out of the Concert Hall, with the bagpipes playing in honour of us all. That was a really sad moment. I couldn't hold back the tears. I have been so blessed. The school has done so much for Diana and myself. We have been blessed to be acknowledged by the teachers and given many responsibilities. Its really sad to think that Diana and I won't be together at school anymore... Not hearing the teachers say "Hello Bunton sisters!" anymore. I'll miss that. I really will. Its truly been an awesome year, and I thank God for blessing me and given me and opportunity to shine in a school such as Lumen Christi. After the whole night had finished, I had many ppl coming up to me and congratulating me... I got so teary eyed. After hugging Mr C i started really crying. I am SO going back to school and thanking my teachers aye. They have had a huge input into my life, and I'm so greatful for their wisdom and teaching which has influenced the way I live life. I caught up with Mum, Dad and Joy, and they all hugged me. We agreed to meet up at McDonalds. So Diana and I, got into my car and drove off. As we were driving along, I heard a shout, and it was Ryan and all the other boys behind us, going out for a bite to eat as well! So they all followed me to Maccas, and we all ate together, with me showing everyone what I got in my bags of art supplies. After eating we went back to my place, then they all left and I went to sleep. And thats it. I won't ever have to wear my school uniform ever again.

 This is the 4 of us... The executive of the SRC for the last time. Me, Phillip, Kylie and Simon. The Deputies and Heads together. 
 Sitting down after our rehearsal with the yr 12s and the "I can see clearly song" 
 These 2 are my wonderful music teachers! Ms D and Ms G! Its so wierd to being able to call them by their first names now... Ms D told me that I had to. And its just wierd. I gotta get used to it. lol... They are such gorgeous ppl I tell ya! 
 I lightened this picture so you could see it. My dad took this pic. He was like "Shes looking this way, shes looking this way! Take a picture!" haha. I'm the 5th from the end, before recieving all my awards. 
 With the boys. Dad wanted to take pictures... hehehe. It was nice spending the alst hours of the day with them all, and showing them the stuff that I got. Specially Robert. Were you jealous of all my art equipment Robert? hehehe 
 "The Bunton Sisters" 

Is that a hickey?
The other day I cleaned the store room in the granny flat at the back of our property with Rima. We took boxes, books, magazines, photo albums, bean bags, clothes and many other things out so we could sweep the floor and re-order everything. I decided to grab some blankets that were on the floor and hit them to get all the sand and dust off them. As I was doing so, the blankets rubbed up against my neck and arms. In a few minutes, I was covered in spots. My wrist was so itchy with red pussey spots and my neck grew two large red spots as well. I just groaned when I looked in the mirror and itched at them. i must have been bitten by some dust mites. Well! All through the week I've been getting people coming up to me and asking, "Is that a hickey on your neck?" I would laugh or exclaim and say "No!". Everyone at work would stare, and the customers would too. "Is that a hickey?" They say as they point and stare. "No no... Its just a bite. its not a hickey." "yeah. Sure. Right, I believe you." "No! I'm serious! Its a bite! Believe me, it is!" "Uhuh. Yep. Okaaaaaaaaay..." *sigh* I'm just not that kinda girl who would actually HAVE one! My mum would KILL me. And I don't have a boyfriend so... *rolls eyes* They prolly all think I'm a tramp now! hahaha...

Just what I've been doing...
Apart from being burnt on Friday, my weekend was good. I didn't work on Saturday at all... Can't remember what I did??? I think I just finished cleaning my room and stuff. I bought a new top when I picked Diana up from work, came home, got ready and went to the Youth Alive Summer Fest. It was a great night... I had fun. The music was... mmm ok. They were recording their live cd right, but the sound was just not great aye. The drums were too loud, you could hardly hear the lead vocals, the music would cut out sometimes, the bass was WAY too loud ( I love the bass and all, but when its louder than everything else, sometimes drowning all the other musicians out, its not that great) and you could DEFINATELY tell that they didn't practice much before the night of recording. I asked the pianist later when my mates and I dropped into Victoria Park Maccas, if they'd practiced much before hand. She said they only practiced twice... That was it. The lead guitarist had not practiced with them at all, and the pianist wrote out some of the chords to the songs for him in the after the practice, an hour before they were about to start. Crazy aye? I mean, you'd think that they'd put a little more effort into it... But I guess their all really busy and all. They need a core person in there, pushing them on, making regular practices and everything. After the concert, which was held at Metro Church, some of the frequency ppl ate at Maccas, where we saw Jay and Ben and sum Southern River ppl. Twas nice chattin with them. Afterwards we went back to my place, and I collapsed onto my bed and slept. The next day was church... Went back to my place to have lunch afterwards, then went to Kings Park and lazed around, back to my place again, chatted, then to church to have music practice. Went to Hungry Jacks for dinner, went back to my place again and watched a movie. I took Rima and Muna home and that was it! Today I just ran a lot of errands... Which I was a little agitated about. I hate running errands. Was asked to sing at a ladies meeting... I think its called 'Woman's Aglow'... So I'll sing a few Christmas songs and Di will play her trumpet items as well... So yeah. Dunno what I'll do tomorrow. Oh yeah. I gotta practice with some other yr 12s... The yr 12 item for presentation evening. Haveta sing infront of over 2000 ppl for the leavers and stuff.. Also gotta play in the Swing band... So thats 2 rehearsals i have to go to tmrw. So that'll keep me busy. No wait, make that three! Church music practice too... uuuuuh... lol too much music! lol meh, you can never have too much music! Neways... I'm bored and tired... I think I may post some pics from the Youth Alive Summer Fest and Kings Park pics now... Yeah I'll do that...
I went to post this yesterday, but the internet was being stupid... Today I had all those music practices. First the yr 12 band, then Swing band and then Church music practice. After music practice a few of the guys and myself went to Vic Park maccas for a coffee and cake... And now I'm feeling pretty full. After the yr 12 band practice I went home and watched the rest of 'National Treasure', afterwards I fell asleep on Ryan's bed and he woke my up an hour later when he came home from work... Yeah... That was my day... Neways. I'm gonna go now. Bye!

 Muna and I in the backseat of the car, driving to Kings Park with the others after church. 
 Muna and I when its windy! 
 Ryan and i in the car... 
 Justin and Paul while driving to Kings Park. Paul got his liscence back! Yay! 
 hehe I love this pic. Muna is glowing and looking beautiful as usual, while I, I just look dark and scary. haha! 
 View from the DNA tower... Darn tree in the way! 
 The guys lookin down when we climbed the DNA tower... Whilst waiting for Robert's car to arrive... 
 Awe poor Muna... Shes scared of hights aye... She kept telling me that when we got to the top. 
 Muna and I again... 
 We met up with the other guys at the DNA tower, cos they were way behind. This is becos Paul *ahem* drove very fast and got their way before Robert. So we climbed it while waiting for the others... When they got there we went to the Western Power Park and we lazed around for awhile before going to music practise. 
 My, muna and Ryan in the back of Paul's car. 
 The other guys... it was pretty crowded in the western power park in Kings Park aye... 
 Me resting on Muna's lap. 
 The shy, yet gorgeous Muna. 
 My view from where I was lying... Hmmm very interesting. 
 lol... Dunno what Ryan's doin. He was talkin to Muna. Neways, the next pics are from the Youth Alive Summerfest night last Sat evening. 
 Joy and I 
 lol... Diana making a funny face. 
 I love this picture. Its awesome. I love the silhouettes... 
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