Friday, July 29, 2005

Seranna and her sis. We mucked around at first and then watched a movie... It was so wierd! It was only funny cos it was wierd.. it was.... just.... WIERD! The music was HILARIOUS but. Can't remember the name of it. It had some REALLY good actors in it, but was pathetic! It was about these ppl who were filming a documentary of a shark that killed the captains friends... Hmmmm...

Wednesday, July 27, 2005
*Alyce sat at her computer and twiddled her thumbs. Microsoft Word was open on the screen and the curser was blinking at her, waiting for her to type away at the computer keys. Alyce looked around the room, trying to distract herself from the pressing thoughts inside her head. On the left was a fireplace which was built into the wall. On top of the mantelpiece were many books stacked into an untidy row which had been dumped there after being used. Behind Alyce was another wall which was mostly hidden by an old, out-of-tune Ulrich piano and another table and computer. Alyce looked at the layer of dust covering the piano keys. She remembered the many times she had been forced to practice her scales on the piano. Every time Alyce's parents had told her to practice and she had shown no sign of moving, her parents would remind her of all the money they were spending on her for piano lessons and how Alyce was so privileged and blessed to be able to learn an instrument. Alyce smiled at the memory as her eyes moved over the piano keys, 'Baby Elephant Walk' tinkling softly in her head. Alyce then looked back at the blank page of Microsoft Word on her computer, and felt a sharp pang in her belly. She realized that she had done no homework over the past two hours of sitting at the computer and felt guilty and ashamed of herself. But then, ever so easily, Alyce was distracted again. The messy filing cabinets next to her computer caught her eye, and she turned her head to view the contents which were stacked on top of each other. Books, 'special' computer paper, stationary and computer cords had been untidily placed on the cabinets which, Alyce thought, would probably be moved and neatly put away after her mother would come across them tomorrow. Behind the cabinets Alyce noticed that some of the wall paper was peeling away. This instantly brought her mind to her parents and how they wanted to re-decorate the house. They had lived in the 50 year old house for 3 and a half years, even though her parents had said that they were only going to spend 3 years in the house. Alyce's parents had moved from their 2 year old house that they had built, to an ancient house they were living in now. Her family had made this move because it had been an investment property and did not count on living there for over 3 years. Well, it was now 3 and a half years ago since they had moved in and they weren't planning on moving out any time soon. Alyce's family had grown comfortable in their old house, even if they had problems with it. She must admit that she did sometimes long for her previous house, especially after her sewerage tanks overflowed, some carpets smelt like they had something breeding in them, paint peeled off the roof and so on. But she would soon forget about these feelings though, especially after she remembered how much fun she had had in the house. There has not been one day gone by that someone did not come over, her mother was always feeding one extra person at the dinner table in the afternoon. The huge room at the back was so convenient for the youth group her brother held as well, and her house was so close to the city and her friends.
Alyce sat back into her computer chair. She did not know why she was thinking about her house, but typed it down and posted it anyway. She had so many thoughts swirling around her head nowadays. Sometimes Alyce just wished that she could scoop up her thoughts and put them in a jar, replacing the lid and screwing it tightly shut. At least it would help her to clear her head. Oh well, Alyce thought, I've only got one more term of schooling left and then I'm outa here! As soon as this thought swept across Alyce's mind, another thought which had been niggling and nagging her for some time hit her in full force. What was she to do after school this year? Would she go to university? Should she go to ECU to study musical theatre or Curtin to study art? And if she did get a Bachelor of Arts for her musical theatre, would she move to the Eastern States for her career? At this thought, Alyce thought it was a good time to stop typing, and go to bed*

Monday, July 25, 2005