posted by DrUmMeR ChiCK! @ 11:03 pm 3 comments
Monday, May 30, 2005
Deep in your thoughts...
Do you sometimes stand back and take a look at the world? Do you actually stop what your doing, sit back in your chair and actually think about things, like things that may not really affect you, but are happening on the other side of the planet?
For example, over in America in Oklamhoma, where the Ku Klux Klan is working against the 'coloured people', there is a little black baby that has been born. The baby is placed in an all blacks incubator room, because white and black babies aren't allowed to share the same incubator room. The hospital then sends all the heat to the white babies room, and puts no heat in the room where the black babies are kept. As a result, the baby dies after being chilled to death. The white nurses in that hospital had killed that little, helpless and innocent baby and all because of what? Their a different colour??
In Victoria Australia, people are now not allowed to speak against Muslims. This is a law and if you are caught speaking against the Muslims or Islamic people, you can be charged or put into jail. But, BUT, if a Muslim person speaks against a Christian, they are not charged... they are not thrown into jail... it is dismissed. Is that fair? The prospect of free speech has been thrown out of the window, ladies and gentlemen.
Also, think about all the rapists, children malesters and murderers walking free on our streets... These people can walk free, have been let off the hook... and then we come to someone who has gathered up a lot of speeding tickets and we throw them into jail instantly.... Is that justice?
This is why, our world needs a saviour. This is why, our world is coming to an end. We desensitize ourselves and ignore what is going on in the world... we need to wake up! Do something about it... Say something about it! Pray, act, do... God is listening... he will help us when we call upon him. And man, he knows we need it!
We really need to wake up... and smell the roses.
Sunday, May 29, 2005
Music practise a few weeks ago... We have Mucis prac at Joy's house next door. Hehehe... I luv it. Its like a home fellowship. Afterwards, we sit around and eat and talk.... it starts at 7 and finishes at 8.15... then we sit around and stay till late.... sumtimes till 10.30... I luv it!! And this is Geoff on da guitar by the way.... he rocks!
Tuesday, May 24, 2005
My new All Stars shoes! Yay!!! Got them last Saturday... They are sitting on my life... yes... my desk is my life at the moment.. paints + art supplies, food, books, glasses + mugs, lollies and assignments strewn all over my desk... It'll soon be over... and I'll be sitting in pemberton once again, on the next school holidays.... oh how I love Pemberton...
Monday, May 23, 2005
Busyness... Why do we do it?
Hey everyone... I know, I haven't blogged in 6 days... but I am now, so does that make up for it?? I've been in the world of studying... well, sitting at my desk in my room and staring into my lava lamp, thinking of the other things that I could be doing at that present moment... if thats what you call studying... lol, nuh I study. But I really really really have to knuckle down more because *cringe* the exams are next week. Darn it! That means I'll haveta miss out on going to Frequency (even though its held at my house!), music practise on Tues nite (nooooooo! Even though thats held next door!) and going out with buddies... *sigh* ohwell, I guess its my fault I'm in this situation... I coulda left school... No! If I had of left I know I would definately be kicking myself in 10 yrs time saying 'Why didn't I stay at school and finish my TEE????' So, I figure its good to just keep on going... its only one yr... not even 12 months of my life.
Neways, enough of my blabber... I think I may go into my room, get changed and start to *sharp intake of breath* study... Catch you all later! Mwah!