This is a pic of me from the other day... I haven't put make up on all week aye... As you can see in that pic. On exam break, you just don't care wot u look like. You wear the same clothes day in and day out, or wear your pjs all day. You even forget when you last had a shower... Ok, I wasn't THAT dirty, but I did kinda not have a shower on some days. Your not gonna c anyone so who cares??? lol... Can you tell that I really don't care anymore?
Saturday, November 12, 2005

ewwww, i still had showers
hahaha... I did have showers... Its just that I was stuck inside all day, I didn't smell and I didn't sweat, so why would I need a shower? lol... talking about my personal hygiene is funny. I am a very clean person normally hey...
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