My painting before it was finished.... I LOVE it! Its a painting about immigration. The sapia represents old photographs, you know, how old photographs can be black and white or browns? yeh well, thats what it represents. The past. And the sepia painting represents the old country, England! The colourful part is Australia, and the migration of the English into Australia! See, their holding suitcases. THUS, I painted in a suitcase! Cool huh?
Monday, October 24, 2005

i take it someone has already offered to buy the suitcase?
maybe you could use it the next time you go away
lol, nuh no ones bought this one. Me teachers puttin it into a competition first... If it gets accepted, it'll tour W.A and get put in the W.A art gallery... Thats IF it gets accepted. And NO I"m soooo not usin it aye... Don't wanna wreck it!
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