New post
Hey all! Dad's home... although he's still really sore and tender. He can't do much really. Just stays at home all day. Poor guy. Well, I'm putting up more photos for ya all. Just a few from Frequency, taken off my phone. And of Jane's baptismal. Shame shes going back to Ireland sometimes next week! Shes a back packer but hopefully she'll come back and study some day... Well thats what she said she wanted to do anyways.
Have a good one guys. Ciao.
Frequency on Fri night.
I love donuts... hehe it was the "eat a donut hanging from a string without your hands" game. It was so much fun. I won... I don't think thats a surprise to many. Should that be classed as an achievement or an embarrissing moment?
Take a swig of coke when you hear the words "Spirit" sung and eat a marshmallow if you hear "planet". Turn the song "Shake this Planet" on from Planet Shakers and your mouth will be full within minutes. Theres a lot of repetitive words in that song.
The crowd at Jane's baptismal.
Mum and David baptising Jane at the Vic Park pools.
Its good that your dad is back, he'll be up and about in no time.
I think its more of an embarrassing moment :P you only just beat jay.
Justin looks like he's back at school in that pic. I'll have to make some changes to it to make it harder.
Have a good one.
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