Hello there my fellow bloggers. Been fairly busy aye. Assessment week is next week... which means I have to get all my homework done for those classes... this week. And if your me, you would have left a lot of assignment till the last minute to finish. Hehe... I can be lazy sumtimes... or just plain busy. Had a really good weekend. I ate pretty badly, I know that. Friday night we had first aid classes at my church. That went on for about an hour and 15 mins... Thats a lot of information said in a very little amount of time. Afterwards Kimberly, Ryan, Daniel, Diana and myself were wonderin what to do so we went to Leederville and ate at Sienna's and got really really fat. lol... And Daniel was really sweet and shouted us all a meal. It was the BEST meal EVER! Mmmmmm seafood plate for two (that we shared amongst 3) and then a huMUNGOUS icecream sundae for desert. Yum.
Had Frequency on the next night, after a long days work. Being a supervisor and refunds assistent now, I deal with a lot more cranky customers. Its weird, but I seem to get all the bad ones! Spiritual warfare most probably. Anyways, Frequency was good as always... Ate at Maccas afterwards (more bad, fatty food) and got to bed pretty late. Had church opn Sunday. And Jade Lewis came and preached. She was really really good. I really like her aye, shes a nice gal. The music sounded good too. The youth went to Freo after church and ate there and walked around. It was so flippin busy! I think they had a carnival or something on. And they even had fireworks on during the day. I dunno, but I felt a lil claustraphobic hey. No kiddin, so many ppl there and very small streets. After that we had music prac and we so rocked out aye. OH I just LOVE 'Stones been Rolled Away'... we revamped it. Sounds so funky. John's gonna love it lol.
After pack up a few of us decided to go to the movies... So we went and got fish and chips and sat on the greass in front of Readings cinema for awhile. Then we went and saw 'Lady in the Water'. I actually didn't mind it aye. You can tell it was a book before it became a movie. It was really different, but I liked it. Kind of like a fairy tale in ways. A bit scary too. I fully screamed at the top of my lungs... luckily there weren't many ppl in the cinema :-P
On Monday I had uni and in between classes my car broke down as I was listening to music and eating an apple in there. I had to miss my last class and call up a friend for help. That was a bit annoying aye... And scary. I so didn't want my car to break down on the road. I think it was my battery that was playing up. In the evening Ryan, Di and myself went to Nan's and Pop's with Jay and Ben. Nan's gonna be going to England in 2 weeks time so we thought that it'd be nice if we went and saw em together. Was a really good night... Filled with pizza, chocolate and a movie. I didn't eat ne chocolate (I was a good girl). So yeah... Pretty much been goin to uni and doing homework and church stuff. As you can tell I can get very busy at times. Neways... after quite a boring re-tell of my weekend, I think I might leave you's with some pics. Have a good one. God bless.
Friday, September 15, 2006

sounds like a bad battery.
seems like you had a very busy week full of junk food. maybe it will be quite next week but i'm sure it will still be full of junk food :P
Nope, I'm on a diet again
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