[Mind Blank]

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Enjoy my pretties...

Mmmmm... Another day, another blog! Ahhhh! Oh my gosh that was wierd! As soon as I wrote 'blog' I heard a noise outside. I pulled back the cutains and a great, big, hairy, warty face of a man (ok, that may be a little exaggerated) was standing right there, outside my window! *heart beats faster and faster* But its ok, its one of those men that go around to all the houses, checkin on the electricity level thingy in those boxes with all the buttons and knobs in them. You know what I mean? Aaaaanyways, hehe that was a bit heart renching. Its not everday that you see a total stranger standing right outside your window!

Yesterday, I had an exam. And yesterday, I failed the exam! Wooptidoo da day! I don't give a CRAP about that stupid, time wasting, clock watching, brain melting, snoozing and drooling subect! Yessss... you heard me correctly! I AM talking about Human Bio. It is the most BORINGEST (hehehe is that even a word? Well, if not... I now dub thee a true word! I think I may call up Oxford University Press and tell them to add it into their dictionary!) subject that anyone can ever study! Brains, mieosis, retina, homeostasis, hominids, cocaine, steady state. metabolism... its all crap! (Oh, and about the cocaine thing... I'm not really taking drugs. We have to study the effect of drugs on the body. Just thought I should clear that one up!) Seeing that everyone else (well, Matt and Paul) are ranting and raving about their problems, I thought I would too! Oh, and thankyou Matt for that msg this morning. It was quite nice to roll over in my warm and comfy bed and read the encouraging msg sent from you! hehehe... *sigh* But I think I've done well in my other subjects. I've got *cringe* my drama prac tomorrow! My REAL TER prac... Eeeeeek! So scarry! *deep breathe* You know you can do it Alyce... It'll be a sinch. Their only a few old foggies staring at you and watching your every move while onstage...

Lately, I've been endulging in church business... when I really should be studying. But I just can't turn down a good ol' music practise in Joy's kitchen and lounge room. Its so enjoyable, and afterwards (yessssss... I had to bring this up again! As I alsways do...) theres heaps of food! (hehehe.. I can just see Rima now, shaking her head and smiling) Joy serves wedges, chips, marinated chicken, cakes, scoffins (a mix between muffins and scones) chips'n'dips and heaps of fizzy drinks! Mmmmmm... Sometimes, if mum tells us to make our own dinner on Tues nights, I just go over to Joy's for Music Prac and wait around afterwards for the food, and call that dinner! Hehehehe. Its like a fellowship aye. I LOVE it soooooo much. After everyone had left I took Bec home, cos she walked to Joy's place (she only lives a few streets down... didn't want her walking in the dark but) and then I went back to Joy's and snuggled in her couch, drinking coffee with Joy and Luke. Everyone had gone home... I enjoyed having a good ol' rant about stuff.

Oh! And ANOTHER thing! Why is it that everytime someone has food that they wanna give away, everyone points to me! I take it cos I don't want to see it go to waste... of and maybe cos I'm hungry... oh and maybe cos I can't resist the mouth-watering, doey taste of white chocolate, choc chipped Subways cookies... *drools* Mmmmm that tastes good. But I should not eat anything! Otherwise I'll get fat! Darn you guys and your frequent offering of food to me!

Neways, I shall go now and leave you with pics of music practise last night... Enjoy my pretties........


At 6:35 pm, Blogger GIR2000 said...

i didn't mind messaging you, i was thinking about you at the time. you didn't have to mention the warm bed though :p
we know that you like food, and we like to give you things.
good luck with your drama

At 11:25 am, Blogger DrUmMeR ChiCK! said...

hehehe sure you can! I'll make sure that they offer you some, instead of automatically handing the food over to me :-)

At 1:14 pm, Blogger GIR2000 said...

also you tend to not buy yourself lunch because you can't afford it, so we know your hungry

At 5:03 pm, Blogger DrUmMeR ChiCK! said...

*a larger, cheesy grin spreads across Alyce's face* Awe... thanks you guys. Somebody loves me!


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