Friday, July 01, 2005
I am now sitting at the computer with my trackie dacks on and a very wooly jumper, which is very different to what I was wearing today and this evening. I have just eaten a three-course meal, which had filled me up. I'd just bin to Marc's farwell party where I saw a lotta old friends, which I noticed, as I talked to them, that I missed them heaps. I nearly cried when Marc was emotional on stage. I was like, Alyce, you don't need to cry! Far out... I can't help it! When I see someone cry, it makes me cry too!
Okies, lets move on to the start of the day, which will explain the pics that I have posted below. As I've mentioned before on a previous post, an event called 'Stomp!' took place at school today. The school got dressed in a particular theme, which this year was 'Rock'n'roll'. So I got up at 5.30... I know I'm crazy! But it was all in the name of fashion, I swear! Neways, I got up at 5.30 and did my hair. It took me an hour to do and it looked absolutely AWESOME! I had parted and twisted little sections of my hair into little bobs on my head. It was awesome as I recieved heaps of comments and compliments about it... and heaps of stares. I then proceeded to get changed into what I thought was rock'n'roll gear... I think it was more like punk but who really cares? I had fun getting dressed anyways... Me and Di both hacked away at my denim skirts a week back and we got dressed up and took pics! So yeah... we turned up to school like that, everyone was dressed up and we all had a party in the sport centre in period 7&8. The bad thing was was that I had to clean up afterwards cos I'm a student councilor... ahwell. After dat I got a lift to Gosnells station and took da train home... recieving alot of stares from people around the carriage.
As I got home I proceeded to get changed and get a shower... but before I could I had to take my hair out. I went through complete and utter PAIN as me and Diana tried to get the bobs and lackies out of my head... I can still remember the pain *shudder* In the end Di and I ended up grabbing some scissors and cutting all the lackies... My hair was so wierd when we finished. After dat I got a shower, straightened my hair (which took me another hour.... far out, shows you how much time I put into my hair aye!) and then got into my ball dress again. I just had to wear it again... its just too good to leave it in the wardrobe hangin there for silverfish to eat. Bec then came round and picked Ryan, Di and myself up (man, I'm really hangin out for my license... I remember Amanda telling me I should name my car. Hows 'Lil Beauty' sound to you guys????) and we all trooped down to Southern River. It then dawned on me that I hadn't been to Southern River since last yr and I started getting butterflies in my stomach... wierd I know, but it was just strange walking in there... all these new faces. I tell ya one thing that hasn't changed though, the bathroom! Hahaha... My fav toilet cubicle was still the way I left it... *sigh* the memories... Neways! I had a good nite. Catchin up with others, eatin... (the dessert was the best!) and got a lil misty eyed as Marc got up and talked... I had a good time chattin, gettin sum goss and checkin to see how my old friends are..........
And now... I think I am ready for bed. I keep looking down at the computer keys when I type, cos my nails are black. First time I've painted em black. They catch my eyes as I type. I got em painted for Stomp! But who cares.... Uuuuuuuuh, work at 8.30 tmrw morning... I hope I don't get shouted at by the boss for missin stock take last Sunday morn... I think I'll just avoid her tmrw. Then tmrw afternoon in Frquency! We're meetin at my house at 6.30 and then drivin down to Hoyts to see 'War of the Worlds'. Ppl had bin sayin its good.. so it should be good then!
Well have a great weekend ya'll, and I'll catch ya all later. It was good catchin up with you Southern River folk. Chat soon! Later!

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