Tuesday, July 12, 2005
I GOT MY P'S!!!!!!! YAHOO! Yes siree Bob! You heard me correctly! Man I'm so happy... it just feels SO good! I still haven't driven by myself yet, but I've driven Fi to da carousel. I got it this morning! Mum and I walked in the Welshpool Licensing Centre and we were like 'Woh.. we're gonna have to wait in line forever!' There was heaps of ppl there aye. And then, I spotted Rebecca! So I walked up to her and asked what number I should press so as to wait in line. But I didn't have to... She sneaked me into the line so I didn't have to wait and then went straight into the room to take my test. I ended up passing, obviously, and came back to see Luke kneeling beside mum waiting to hear my results. Luke had popped in to see if I passed, which was nice cos he was the main person helping me get my log book done. I got my log book finished in 2 months! Great hey! I did three hours yest so I would be able to get it today... I'm so happy. In such a high hey.
Well... I should talk about what I have been upta hey? On the Saturday night was the Girls Nite at Rebecca's... It was really awesome hey. There was heaps of chocolate, chips, lollies, games and movies. Its so funny cos during the holidays we have a break from youth group, but we all end up meeting up somewhere neway! The boys had a Guys Nite at AK's when we had ours... hehehe.
Then on the Sunday was church, then we went back to Joy's place (shes over in England at the moment, but Fi's looking after the house for her) and we had lunch which was chips. And then we watched a movie, hung out, played hacky sack. Then we had music prac! We we did all that and packed up. Fi and I then went with Matt to get pizza and we went back to Joy's place and ate and watched another movie... Us girls voted on 'Sense and Sensebility'. I LOVE that movie! Such a good romance...
Then yest I finished my log book hours and today I got my P's. Tonight some of da youth are meeting up at my place, then we're all driving down to Hoyts to watch Fantastic 4. So that should be good... I am thurally enjoying my school break aye, even though I have to get stuck into my homework. Oh! And another thing, you won't find me in my house at nite... cos I'm over at Joy's and house-watching with Fi! I'll be movin in there 2nite and be there for about 2 weeks... Yay, I can't wait! Neways, I'm gonna go now. I'll catch you all later! Oh! And I posted some pics from Karri Valley, my holiday, to keep you occupied! Seeya soon!

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