OUR NEW CHURCH BUILDING!!! YAY!!!!!! its HEAPS bigger than our last place... we're moving in on our churches 1st birthday... its gonna b an awesome day aye... We're gettin new carpets in everntually and having curtains at the front... Sits 300 to 350 ppl... its really awesome. And get this, the building is home to Perth Demons football club. Soooo funny... they'll soon b changin their name to Angels football club, after we've bin in there for a few months, hehehe.
Friday, June 03, 2005

the place looks really nice, i can't wait for the first meeting.
pauls shoes are so shiny.
Hahaha... I know. There always so shiny in fotos. Ah well...
Yah, I can't wait for da first meeting too! Its gonna b soooo cool... and hey! Maybe we can play a lil footy on da oval aftawards eh? hehehe...
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