Friday, March 25, 2005
Heeeeeeey... I decided to pop on the comp for awhile, as I've been studying for the past 3 and a half hours... arrrrg... so this is my break time! Neways! Its Good Friday today... had a AWESOME church service today... my mum, the pastor, made all of us cry today as she delivered the best sermon ever! It was *sob* so sad! But good... really good... neways... yes... I haven't posted in awhile, and I think I just explained to you why. Cos of all my study that I have to do! Hey, atleast I'm studying... I could be wasting my time and reading PVP!!! Like my sister and other ppls... (I do admit that it is funny, and that I have sat by the comp reading it with Diana... but hey, theres better things to do than spend hours at a time flicking through every comic) ... NEWAYS!!!
Last Fri Frequency went ice skating... Good fun, good fun. And then on the Sunday we had City View churchs FIRST baptismal! So exciting! We had bout 50 ppl rock up at Joy's house... It was a b-e-a-u-tiful day for a swim... So yes... I'll be puttin sum of these pics up in a tick! So yes.... I'll see ya'll later aye!
Enjoy.................... ........ .. .. .

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