Thursday, March 10, 2005
The BALL!!! Yup! Man, its like on all the gals minds right now. The number one choice of topic when talking... We are breathing it, living it,forking out for it!!!! ( and when I say forking out, I mean that I will be paying mum back till I'm 20 yrs old! Literally!!!) All the girls have got their dresses now.... and I have found that the number one color this yr is pink... thank goodness I chose black... Monique's getting hers made in the Phillipians, and Lauren allready had hers 5 yrs before... And me? I went shopping last Fri nite in Perth, and had a totally WICKED TIME trying dresses on... But my story of how I found my dress is a miracle, cos it happened to me the first time I went to get my first ball dress (I've been to a ball before, courtesy of Michael P... I had an awesome time there aswell).... NEWAYS, I went with Fiona and Joy (cos I luv those girls SO SO SO SO SO SO SO much... their like sisters to me aye... I mean, Joy lives next door and gives me driving lessons and is always there when I need her... how close can ya get??? Shes also framed some artwork of mine and put it on her wall *feeling so honoured* U should check out the frame man! Oh, and look at my picture while your at it :-P Fi is gorgeous as well, she is ove my house a lot too... we do a lot together) So yeh, me and Fi caught the train into Perth and met Joy there. We then proceeded walking through Perth, to a shop that Fiona had seen a few times when she still worked in Perth. Its an AWESOME shop called Roxy... its kinda hidden away but the clothes are so NICE and FUNKY. REAL expensive, but gorgeous.... So we went in and our jaws dropped. A lady who had grace like a swan, glided towards us and showed me some dresses that would "look absolutely magnificent on you"... so i tried some on.... and the 2nd dress I put on, I fell in love with.............................. I didn't want to take it off... It made me look skinny and made my figure look awesome... its material, its beads... it was a MASTERPIECE.... But so very wierd... cos the last time i went to a ball and went out shopping for a ball dress, I bought the 2nd dress I tried on, and that is what happened to me this time... It was the 2nd dress I tried on, and I bought this one too! I LOVED this dress... it was absolutly GORGEOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! REAL expensive, she said it should of been more expensive that in was though, but she sed it was prolly made in another country thats why it wasn't as expensive......... She said it should be round the $700 mark.... but thank God it wasn't!!!!!! Twas still very expensive but.Neways, I finally peeled it off me and put it on hold... and then went round to other shops in Perth... NONE of the dresses I put on afterwards suited me... NONE! So that ment that me and that dress was destiny. DESTINY I tell u!!!!!!!! So the next day mum phoned up and put it on layby for me on her master card (don't u love those cards.... so easy, just the flick of the wrist and it goes through the machine.... or in this case, just read out the number and its paid for!), then I paid her back aftawards.... I also saw some earings that I really wanted, but man they were $150... I think I'll pass on those..... So yeh, I had a totally awesome nite, and us three girls all tried dresses on... it was SO MUCH FUN. I made Fi and Joy try em on, cos I didn't want em to miss out on feelin like princesses all dressed up! I soooo wanna do it again sumtime... but we're all busy ppl who hav otha things to do... ahwell. Neways, its gettin late and I was spose to do sum art homework but have I done it? Nope...... ahwell, I'll do it later! Ciao! Luv yas! Peace out!

hahahaha.... don't worry Paulio... u'll look hot AS. luv ya!
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