Sunday, February 06, 2005
Hey everyone... Right now I'm sitting at my computer, with my robe on and sniffling like crazy. Yep, I've got a cold... arrrrg. And all my friends are at out at music practise and I'm home alone! I even missed church this morning as well! I feel all weak and my skin is real sensitive and my joints and throat hurts... Oh well.. now it just sounds like I'm complaining! Which I so feel like doing right now. Neways, everyone was so sweet to me this morning... I missed church, as I said before, so I wasn't too happy about that... when my friends came home Paul came in and cheered me up and talked for awhile... then ALL my friends came in my room, asking how I was, looking at my photos, going "oooooh, a drum kit in your room!" and generally looking around at my partially cleaned room (thank GOD that I just cleaned it the day before!)... So they were all real nice... But there is one good thing out of being sick (apart from the supportive friends and family) ... and that is losing weight!!! I've lost 3 kilos... in 2 days! Awesome aye??? I'm happy bout that cos I put on sum weight during the Christmas holidays (the only bad thing about Christmas) and now I'm losing it! Yay! My friends say thats bad... cos I'm not gettin the nutrition that I need, but eh! Atleast I'll be slim again! Neways... lets go into another subject.
Well! Frequency has started up again! We've got one whole year of Frequency ahead of us... and its gonna be totally awesome. Our youth is growing, and we're seeing many lives saved! So awesome! I love the weekends... Cos it consists of friends, Frequency, and church! Wot could be any better than that? So yeah, I took some photos of Frequency last night... we did sum wacky stuff aye! It went reall well... You can see wot we did in the pics that I"ll post later...
Oh and also... Another thing... Valentines day is cuming soon! Next Monday in fact. I sooooo can't wait cos Paul and Matt (Fiona's bf) are taking me and Fi out... They've planned it all, but their not gonna tell us wot we're gonna be doing!! Soooooo not fair! I just wanna know... Arrrrrg... I love surprises, but I just can't wait to know wot their doing! Ohwell, I'm sure when it all happens, I'll enjoy myself. Yay! Neways... thats all from me now. I think I may go and hop into bed... Feeling so weak... arrrrrg. Dang stupid cold!! *sniffle sniffle*
Cya next time! *Aaaaaaaaaaaaaa - CHOOOO!!!*

he is right alyce, u don't need to lose any wait. hope u feel better, we missed u at church.
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