[Mind Blank]

Thursday, September 30, 2004

PaCkEd FuLL, Yeh!!

OooooOOOOooooH! I'm gonna have a HEAPZ good weekend aye!!! Can't WAIT!!! Friday nite I'm goin camping with a few friends... dunno where, but I am! And I'll sleep in my clothes and wake up the next day and yeh walk around in the same clothes... ew I know, but hey its fun. Then on Sat I have NO WORK!! Oh my gosh! I haven't got a shift on Sat! Wooppee! Then on Sat nite is youth group! Go FrEqUeNcY!!! Which'll be absolutely awesome dude! And then I have church the next day, which will be spent entirely with my friends!! And then goin out wid buddies on Sunday nite... so that'll be cool. And then some of my friends'll sleep over on Sunday nite, and then we'll all go and catch da train, the next day, to THE ROYAL SHOW!!!! I've never bin before, so it'll be HEAPZ good! And then after that, on monday nite, I'll see my grandparents... heeheehee... lol their coolies. How awesome is my weekend aye? And after my awesome weekend in the TWO WEEK HOLIDAYS!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! Soooooooo cool!


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